
shī jiā
  • exert;impose;bring to bear on
施加 [shī jiā]
  • [exert] 给予;加上

  • 对孩子施加管束

施加[shī jiā]
  1. 利用Markov空间约束场对模糊核聚类算法施加空间约束,可有效性增强算法的鲁棒性。

    Using fuzzy Markov space constraints on fuzzy clustering algorithm , can exert space constraints efficiency enhancement algorithm robustness .

  2. 他们也不会愿意看到,欧洲政客对他们出资的任何imf特别基金施加不适当的影响。

    Nor are they willing to see European politicians exert undue influence over any special IMF fund to which they contribute .

  3. 当权者平心静气地劝说,而不是施加压力。

    The authorities used quiet persuasion instead of the big stick .

  4. 我们并不想给他们施加过多的压力。

    We did not want to put any undue pressure on them .

  5. 他们向她施加压力,让她自行辞职。

    They put pressure on her to resign .

  6. 首相正在呼吁对工会施加新的限制措施。

    The Prime Minister is calling for new restraints on trade unions

  7. 他可能向她施加了压力,迫使她同意。

    He may have put pressure on her to agree

  8. 他否认对他们施加了任何政治压力。

    He denies exerting any political influence over them

  9. 我一直在给保洁部门施加压力,要求他们更换那些垃圾箱的盖子。

    I have been putting pressure onto the Cleansing Services to replace those dustbin lids

  10. 他们给我们施加的压力之大超乎想象。

    The pressure they put us under was unbelievable

  11. 该判决将给卫生部门施加更多的压力促使其改变工作惯例,缩短工作时间。

    The ruling will put extra pressure on health authorities to change working practices and shorten hours

  12. 说我们是最好的是给自己施加过多的压力,这种做法不切实际。

    It is unrealistic to put undue pressure on ourselves by saying we are the best .

  13. 他的伙伴们给他施加压力,劝他不要再浪费钱。

    His companions brought pressure to bear on him , urging him to stop wasting money .

  14. 他们采用施加压力的策略迫使他们回来,包括切断食物和水的供应。

    They used pressure tactics to force them to return , including cutting food and water supplies .

  15. 后来人们得知,工党政府不敢与伦敦金融界施加的压力相对抗。

    As it transpired , the Labour government did not dare go against the pressures exerted by the City .

  16. 我们可以施加压力来确保叙利亚不在该地区扮演破坏分子的角色。

    We could use pressure to make sure that Syria doesn 't play the role of spoiler in the region .

  17. 我们应对他施加更大的压力。

    We must bring more pressure to bear on him .

  18. 你们要对他施加一些压力。

    You have to bring some pressure to bear on him .

  19. 为了使他成功,他父亲给他施加了很大的压力。

    His father exerted a lot of pressure on him to succeed .

  20. 切勿给不会说话的动物施加无谓的痛苦。

    Never inflict useless pain on dumb animal .

  21. 这样,西方大国应该加强对卡扎非施加政治与经济压力。

    Thus the Western powers should intensify the political and economic pressure on the regime .

  22. 这种实验检验给那些人们正在考虑的宇宙论模型施加了限制。

    This experimental test imposes restrictions on the kind of cosmological models that are considered .

  23. 施加压力和粗暴地使用恩主权力,已不是伯德机器取得成功的什么秘密。

    Arm-twisting and the brute use of patronage power were not the secret of the Byrd machines success .

  24. 别给他施加压力,让他自己作出决定。

    Don 't try to bring pressure to bear upon him ; let him make the decision himself .

  25. 企业施加了很多压力,普通消费者甚至简单试水都会面临巨大压力,因为需要考虑太多的兼容问题。

    Companies are pushing it hard but make it almost overwhelming even to dip a toe in the water for the average consumer , because there are so many compatibility issues to think about .

  26. 如果想改变他的路线,你只有几个选择:你可以阻止他,把他的部分动能转移到你自己身上(这个过程可能是痛苦的),或者你可以靠近他,慢慢施加压力,逐渐改变他的路线。

    If you want to change his course , you have only a few choices : you can stop him , transferring ( possibly painfully ) some of his kinetic energyto your own body , or you can approach alongside and slowly apply pressure to gradually alter his course .

  27. 意大利文化部表示,它并未察觉政府试图向联合国教科文组织施加压力。

    The Italian Culture Ministry says it is unaware of any government efforts to pressure UNESCO .

  28. 研究人员发现,在这样的经历后,即使一只动物能够对改变施加影响,它也会保持被动——这就是他们所谓的习得性无助。

    After such an experience an animal often remains passive even when it can effect change -- a state they called learned helplessness .

  29. 査辛说:“一场以国家对黑人妇女和黑人女孩施加的暴力为主题的活动最让我感动,”她解释说,在那次活动里,人们在一个房间里写下那些因此而死去的人的名字。

    " One of the sessions that moved me the most was state violence on black women and black girls , " says Chasin , explaining that in one room , people wrote down the names of those killed because of it .

  30. 这个智能键盘能精确地测量人打字时的节奏和手指敲击每个键时施加的压力。

    This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key .