
  • 网络effect test
  1. 效果标准与目的标准之争:间接征收认定的新发展

    Battle Between Effect Test and Purpose Test : New Developments of the Determination of Indirect Expropriation

  2. 传统国际投资法学者们对间接征收的认定存在三标准的争论,分别为纯粹效果标准、目的标准、效果和目的兼顾标准。

    Traditional international investment law scholars have three debating standards on identification the indirect expropriation , they are sole effect test , purpose test , effect and purpose test .

  3. 虽然根据市场要求,各个开发显示终端的企业内部也都制定了各自的图像显示效果标准,但是由于企业为了保证显示终端市场供应量的需求,经常把不同厂家的Panel应用在同一机型上。

    Every company who developed the display terminal also institutes its own standard of image vision effect for the requirement from market , but they often used other factories ' panel to the same model for ensuring that the display terminal factory provide market request with enough amount .

  4. 评价深基坑支护效果标准多而复杂,且都具有模糊性。

    The assessment criterion of supporting effect of deep foundation pits is complicated and fuzzy .

  5. 提出了一个全新的图像分割效果标准&边缘乘积互信息准则。

    We propose a new image segmentation standard called the edged product mutual information criterion .

  6. 目前对间接征收的认定有三个标准,分别是纯粹效果标准、目的标准及效果与目的兼顾的标准。

    There are three standards : pure effect standard , aim standard , and standard that consider both effect and aim .

  7. 纯粹效果标准是依东道国政府所采取的管理措施对外国投资和外国投资者造成的影响程度这一唯一标准来判断其是否构成间接征收。

    Pure effect standard is decided by influences that be produced by management measures which host government adopt to govern foreign investments and investors .

  8. 期望抛砖引玉,对进一步研究ERP系统应用效果评价标准有一定的借鉴参考价值。

    Expectations serve as a catalyst for further study of application effect of ERP systems evaluation criteria have some reference reference value .

  9. 临床效果评价标准:(1)视觉模拟(VAS)评分;

    The clinic effects were assessed by : ( 1 ) VAS score ;

  10. 同时,还对鉴定PBL教学实施效果的标准和教学规律在基础医学教育中的运用这两方面的问题进行了论述,进而提出应当将PBL教学与国家执业医师考试结合起来。

    The authors also discuss the criteria of the PBL implementing effect and its teaching rules in basic medical sciences education . It is proposed that the PBL should be combined with the licensure examination for medical doctor .

  11. JOA膝关节骨性关节炎治疗效果评价标准中50-80%为显效,故两种疗法改善率均值都大于50%,为显效。

    In the evaluation standard of JOA treatment effect , 50-80 % is effective , thus the improvement rates for the two kinds of treatment methods are more than 50 % to be effective .

  12. 其中,评估平滑效果的标准是平滑后分数分布的平滑度和其是否界于±1个标准误带之内;评估等值效果的标准是等值分数的Bootstrap标准误。

    In this study , the standards of evaluating smoothing effects are the smoothing degrees of smoothed score distribution and if score distribution is within the ± 1 standard error band , and the standard of evaluating equating effects is the Bootstrap standard error of equivalents .

  13. 陕北石油秩序稠油降粘剂降粘效果测定标准的探讨

    Discussion on the Result Testing Standard for the Thickened Oil Agent

  14. 图像处理算法的效果评价标准分析

    Analysis on Evaluation Standard of the Arithmetic for Image Processing

  15. 染发剂染色效果的标准和表征方法探讨

    The Research on The Dyeing Effect Standard and The Characterizing Method of Hair

  16. 鸡新城疫免疫程序及其效果评价标准(试行)

    The immune program of the Newcastle disease and the evaluation norm in effect .

  17. 喉癌术后的发声功能效果评定标准

    Vocal function assessment standard after laryngeal cancer

  18. 针对像素级图像融合,给出了评价图像融合效果的标准和方法。

    We also supply many kinds of quantitative evaluation criteria for the pixel level fusion .

  19. 以清洗区域内霉菌的残留率作为衡量激光清洗效果的标准。

    The mildew residual rate in cleaning area was used in measurement the results of laser cleaning .

  20. 流体热混合效果评价标准及其在高温气冷堆热气联箱混合性能实验中的应用

    Thermal Mixing Degrees of Fluid and Their Application to the Hot Gas Plenum of 10MW HTR Test Module

  21. 因此,文章的主体内容在于找到一种能科学评估品牌延伸效果的标准并论证其可行性。

    Therefore , the paper 's main content is to find out a scientific evaluation standard and conclude its feasibility .

  22. 以司法实践效果为标准,检验

    And by the standard of the effect of the judicial practice , the vague and the flaw parts of the legislation of

  23. 并采用未加与添加缓冲结构时,压缩波压强梯度最大值的比值作为考量缓冲效果的标准。

    The ratio of maximum compression wave gradient with buffer structure on the maximum compression wave gradient without buffer structure was used to evaluate the buffering effect .

  24. 结论:血清游离前列腺特异抗原等可作为判断前列腺癌内分泌治疗效果的标准,比卡鲁胺治疗晚期前列腺癌有较好疗效。

    Conclusion Serum prostate specific antigen and free prostate specific antigen evaluation is useful in prostate cancer patients undergoing hormonal therapy . Bicalutamide therapy is effective for advanced prostate cancer patients .

  25. 之所以社会形态的演进最终可以归结为生产力的发展,是因为在经济、社会系统的反馈控制机制中,最终是以生产力的发展为效果检验标准的。

    Social evolution ultimately boils down to the development of productive forces , and takes the development of productive forces as the final effect testing standard in the economic and social feedback controlling mechanism .

  26. 风险控制的前提是风险的计量,风险的计量指标是度量风险控制效果的标准,风险的计量越科学,风险控制的效果就越好。

    The premise of risk control is risk measurement . Risk measurement index is the standard of measuring risk control effect , the more scientific risk measurement , and the more good effect risk control .

  27. 第二部分分析了不同教育制度的价值判断以及有效性问题,从而为强制性与诱致性教育制度提供了一个评判其优劣及效果的标准;

    Second part Have analysed the value judgement of different education systems and validity question , thus for offering a standard of judging its good and bad and result with the inductive education system mandatorily ;

  28. 依据上述基本原则,本文提出了一套评价广告活动效果的标准和方法体系,其中包含了对广告活动执行前、执行中及执行后各阶段工作成效的评估。

    Upon the above basis , this thesis puts forward a system of criteria and methods to estimate advertising effects , which includes the evaluation both before the advertisement execution and also during and after it .

  29. 中国今后社会改革效果评价标准要兼顾客观标准和主观标准。中国经济模式发展趋向是以科学发展观为导向的人性化、国际化、均衡化、质量化的节约型社会的经济模式。

    The tendency of economic patterns in China will be a human , internationalized , balanced and qualitative one with the guidance of the scientific development view points under an evaluating standard in subjective and objective .

  30. 当时间不允许,需要提前检测时,可按照波速提高率随时间的变化规律推算完全凝固后的波速值,然后按照注浆效果评判标准进行注浆质量评价。

    However , when it is need to detection ahead of time , the wave velocity after completely solidification can be calculated according to the changing regularity of the increase rate of wave velocity over time .