
  • Vision;visioning;Our Vision
  1. “我的愿景是帮助维持生计的农民,”法兰特说道。

    My vision is for the subsistence farmer , Farrant says .

  2. 然后她意识到当时的生活与自己的人生愿景不再匹配。

    She then realized that her life no longer matched her vision for it .

  3. 愿景家总在不断挑战传统思维,因为他们是用超前的眼光看待这个世界的。

    Visionaries are constantly fighting conventional wisdom because they see the world ahead in terms of what it can be

  4. “祝”,表达了对人类踏进星辰大海的美好祝愿,“融”,体现融合、协作,表达中国人和平利用太空、增进人类福祉的格局和愿景。

    Zhurong is the god of fire in ancient Chinese mythology and cooperation ) reflects China 's vision of the peaceful use of space and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity .

  5. 火炬交接时,两支火炬的顶部可以紧密相扣,体现出让不同文明更加相知相融的北京2022年冬奥会愿景。

    The design allows both torches to lock into each other at the top when one bearer passes the flame to another during the Torch Relay , symbolizing Beijing 2022 's vision to promote mutual understanding and respect between different cultures .

  6. 设计最有效的SOA路线图&定义实现SOA愿景的过程。

    Developing the most effective roadmap to SOA-defining the process of achieving SOA vision .

  7. 实现SOA愿景,执行技术培训

    Perform SOA vision and technology training

  8. 这个愿景包括对于我们如何编译、封装、启动我们的Java应用程序的全新方案。

    The vision includes a complete overhaul of how we compile , package , and startup our Java applications .

  9. 语义Web是WEB创始人TimBerners-Lee对WEB发展的愿景。

    The Semantic Web is a vision of Tim Berners - Lee , the creator of the WWW.

  10. 我们仍致力于实现PrimeAir这一愿景,并准备在获得监管支持的地区部署该系统。

    We are committed to realizing our vision for Prime Air and are prepared to deploy where we have the regulatory support we need .

  11. 贫穷VS.环境:从红绿冲突到红绿愿景

    Poverty vs. Environment : From Red-Green Conflict to Red-Green Vision

  12. 在这三家硬件厂商中,只有IBM具有单一的整合的技术和愿景。

    Among these three hardware vendors , IBM clearly is the only vendor that has a single consolidated technology and vision .

  13. 一家名叫August,拥有超强设计师的新公司正希望把这幅愿景带给大众。

    A new company with a high-powered designer is the latest one hoping to take that vision to the masses .

  14. 10月30日早上,微软公开了简化SOA的愿景与路线图,桥接软件+服务并将组合应用带入主流。

    Microsoft unveiled this morning a vision and roadmap to simplify SOA , bridge software + services and take composite applications to the mainstream .

  15. 随着企业试图实现SOA愿景,他们很快会发现一两的预防要比一斤的治疗好得多。

    Eric : As companies tried to execute the SOA vision , they quickly learned that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure .

  16. 在雅虎的目录貌似比谷歌(Google)更值得投资的20年后,马斯克的愿景仍不太可能实现,但不再不可想象了。

    Mr Musk 's vision , two decades after Yahoo 's directory seemed a better bet than Google , is still improbable but it is no longer inconceivable .

  17. 我们的愿景是让工程师可以带领团队,成功的进行航空工程和相关的复杂高效能系统的概念、设计、执行和运作(Conception、Design、Implementation、Operation,简称CDIO)。

    Our mission is to prepare engineers for success and leadership in the Conception , Design , Implementation , and Operation ( CDIO ) of aerospace and related complex , high-performance systems .

  18. 乔布斯需要苹果公司(Apple),因为苹果为他提供了一个绝佳的机会,使他能够实现自己上世纪80年代是对个人计算机的设想,同时,他拥有将这个愿景变为现实的能力。

    Jobs needed apple ( AAPL ) it was his best chance to achieve the vision for personal computing he had in the 1980s and his talent lay in making that vision real .

  19. 但对于面向移动设备的Android操作系统,特伦说,现在不是谷歌追求大胆新愿景的时候。

    But when it comes to the Android operating system for mobile devices , Mr Thrun says this is not the time for Google to pursue bold new visions .

  20. 通过对ABC农村商业银行核心竞争力的研究,力求为银行实现做大做强、提高自身核心竞争力优势的愿景,提供力所能及的支持。

    By the research core competition of ABC Rural Commercial Bank , the article supports the Bank to be bigger and stronger and enhancing the core competitive advantages with capability of sustainable development .

  21. 但MagicLeap的目标似乎要宽泛得多,它勾勒了一个雄心勃勃的愿景:使用它所说的动态数字化光场信号技术,把丰富的交互式图形,和人们本来就可以看到的东西一并展示出来。

    But Magic Leap appears to have significantly broader aims , describing an ambitious vision for displaying rich interactive graphics alongside what people see naturally , using what it calls a dynamic digitized lightfield signal .

  22. 由于受到联邦预算的严格控制,以及人们在NASA的未来愿景上存在分歧,在这次试飞结束后,NASA在宇航员未来任务方面的步伐将会迈得很缓慢。

    After the flight test , NASA 's progress for future astronaut missions will be slow , hemmed in by tight federal budgets and competing visions of the agency 's future .

  23. 用SWOT对产业的愿景、竞争力进行分析,制定研究的目标和专利定位,最终完成包含产品,技术,市场,事业推进等的智能楼宇自控系统技术路线全图。

    Then , using SWOT methods to analyze industrial vision , competitiveness and finishing setting the research target and patent position . Finally , doing the building automation system roadmap which will include product , technology , market .

  24. 对于gec,其愿景是指将一家乏味的电信和防务企业,转变为一家互联网时代的电气公司。

    The vision for GEC was to transform a boring telecoms and defence business into the electrical company of the Internet age .

  25. 这是一个非常棒的愿景,我们都很赞同这个观点,但EE6并没有完全实现它。

    That 's a great vision , which we 're all very happy with , though it is still not quite fully realized in EE6 .

  26. 以下是我们的解决方案架构中集成的计算、存储和网络IaaS的一些静默方面,这些方面旨在让始终在线的愿景成为现实。

    Following are some of the salient aspects of the integrated compute , storage , and network IaaS in our solution architecture that are geared toward making the always-on vision a reality .

  27. 作为百通的一个独立业务单元,BSI将继续其成功和成长,为我们向关键任务网络解决方案提供安全通讯的愿景作出贡献。

    As an independent business entity within Belden , BSI will continue its growth and success and contribute to our vision of delivering secure communications to mission critical networking solutions .

  28. 微软旗下必应(Bing)搜索的广告已被解除屏蔽。微软表示:“我们致力于与这样的伙伴合作:它对有意义、有影响力的品牌互动的愿景要与我们一致,而且要充分尊重消费者的选择。”

    Microsoft , whose Bing search ads have been unblocked , said : " We are committed to working with partners who share our vision for relevant , impactful brand interaction and respect the integrity of consumer choice . "

  29. 香港金管局(hkma)总裁陈德霖(normanchan)昨日发表公开演说时表示,他的“愿景”是使香港成为“亚洲最具竞争力和活力的私人银行中心”。

    Norman Chan , chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority , told bankers in a speech that was made public yesterday that his " vision " was for Hong Kong to become " the most competitive and dynamic private banking hub in the region " .

  30. 如果说建立愿景是容易的事情,那么为什么多数人不去做呢?Brown-Volkman透露:人们现在迷茫了、害怕了,他们害怕说出自己想要什么,因为担心自己得不到。

    Fight the Fear * If creating a vision is so simple , why don 't more people do it ? Brown-Volkman reveals , People are lost and afraid now , and they 're scared to say what they want because they 're afraid of not getting it .