
  • 网络Wish I Could;I Wish I Could
  1. 我愿我能把它从地面上毁灭掉。

    I wish I could annihilate it from the face of the earth .

  2. 我愿我能在我孩子的自己的世界的中心,占一角清净地。

    I WISH I could take a quiet corner in the heart of my baby 's very own world .

  3. 愿我能给你生日带去最美好的祝愿。

    My best wishes are with you on your birthday .

  4. 愿我能仁慈、友善、富有同情心。

    May I be kind , compassionate , and friendly !

  5. 愿我能永远荣耀祢。

    Be glorified in me forever .

  6. 惟愿我能知道在那里可以寻见神,能到他的台前。

    Oh that I knew where I might find him ! that I might come even to his seat !

  7. 愿我能铭记你我邂逅的第一日,第一时,第一刻,

    I wish I could remember the first day , First hour , first moment of your meeting me ,

  8. 第一日愿我能铭记你我邂逅的第一日,第一时,第一刻,它或是灿烂如夏或是黯淡如冬,我只能如此说。

    The First DayI wish I could remember the first day , first hour , first moment of you meeting me , if bright or dim the season , it might be summer or winter for aught I can say .

  9. 啊,愿我也能长眠!

    Ah ! Would that I did too .

  10. 愿我的礼物能带给你无穷的欢乐。

    I hope my gift can bring you endless happiness .

  11. 要是他愿去,我能有什么办法?

    If he is willing to go , what can I do with it .

  12. 茫茫人海中,我能与你相识相知并成为挚友,是我无限的快乐。愿我的礼物能带给你无穷的欢乐。

    It 's my endless happiness to meet you , to know you , and to become close friends among a sea of crowd . I hope my gift can bring you endless happiness .

  13. 作为新任驻尼大使,我愿尽我所能,与尼方一道,为实现中尼两国的发展与繁荣,为深化两国世代友好的全面合作伙伴关系而奋斗,不断开创两国更加美好的未来。

    As the new ambassador to Nepal , I will try my best to work together with Nepali side to achieve development and prosperity for bilateral Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership featuring ever-lasting friendship and create a better future between the two countries .

  14. 愿是我的朋友能分享我的喜悦。

    May be my friends can share my joy .

  15. 真心-诚意的交往每一个朋友,在你的生命中留下永恒的痕迹,愿我的太阳雨能清洗掉你的不愉快,给你带去快乐和幸福!

    Sincerity-sincerity contact each friend , leaves behind the eternal trace in yours life , is willing my solar rain to be able to clean you not to be happy , takes away to you is joyful and is happy !

  16. 愿我努力精进,勤奋不懈;愿我有耐心能容忍并宽恕别人的过错,愿我能信守自己立下的诺言。

    May I be strenuous , energetic and persevering ! May I be patient ! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others ! May I ever keep a promise given !

  17. 我等欲供养这套袈裟给予僧团。愿这供养为我等与往生的父母与亲人,带来利益与幸福。愿我等能与他们同享这功德。

    We wish to offer these robes to the Sangha , for the long term benefits and happiness of us and our deceased relatives , we wish they can share this merit with us .