
  1. 我曾经在存在这种概念的组织中工作过,尽管文档可能是实现交流的很好手段,但它远远不是真正的交流过程。

    I 've been part of organizations where this concept exists , and although documentation can be a good stepping stone toward communication , it is far from a true communication process .

  2. 或者换个方式说,我在C阶段存在吗,就是身体停止运行?

    Or , to put it slightly differently , do I exist during Phase C , when the body has stopped functioning ?

  3. 我国在不断存在各种政府财政支出使用方面的问题的同时,政府部门也在此方面不断地作出努力,廉洁政府建设、控制三公消费等政策不断出台。

    Continue to exist in our country various government use of fiscal expenditure problems at the same time , government departments are also constantly make efforts in this aspect , clean government construction , control three consumption policies introduced gradually .

  4. 简述了中国加入WTO后专利纠纷不断发生的背景,揭示了我国在专利方面存在的问题,提出了新的竞争形势下我国应采取的策略。

    This paper briefly expounds the background of the patent disputes occurring continuously after WTO entry of China , reveals the problems existing in the patent aspect of China , and puts forward some countermeasures that our country should adopt under the new competitive situation .

  5. 我国企业在海外存在着严重的跨国商业贿赂行为。

    Chinese overseas enterprises provided a great deal of transnational commercial bribery .

  6. 我在调查地外生命存在的可能性。

    I was investigating the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence .

  7. 最后在第七章对我国在这些方面存在的问题给出了富有针对性的借鉴意见。

    Finally , in Chapter VII of the four aspects of a problem given the highly appropriate reference views .

  8. 这是我在这地方的存在经验,或许比我能了解的更为复杂。

    That 's my empirical experience of a place that is probably far more complex than I will ever understand .

  9. 我感受在这里也许存在可持续生平的恋爱,而我曾是一个不相信赖何恋爱可以持续一年以上的人。

    I could fancy a love for life here almost possible ; and I was a fixed unbeliever in any love of a year 's standing .

  10. 本文在阐述企业并购理论后,分析了并购的动因及我国在并购中存在的若干问题。

    In the article , the author emphasize the causes and issues of enterprises M % A , which is based on the theory of M & A.

  11. 介绍了国内外防灾减灾领域科技应用与建设的现状,讨论了我国在这方面存在的主要问题;

    In this paper , we introduce the current status of disaster preparedness and reduction at home and abroad and discuss the main problems about it in our country .

  12. 社会弱势群体作为一种社会现象,虽然在任何国家,任何时代都是不可避免的,但是在我国他们在的存在却过于明显。

    Vulnerable groups in society as a social phenomenon , in any country , any age is inevitable , but in our country in the presence of too obvious .

  13. 在以上基础性理论研究的前提下,分析国内外排污权交易合同的实践,以及我国在实践中存在的问题。

    Based on the theoretical research and the practice of domestic and international emissions trading contracts as well as problems of practice , the paper analyzed the emission trading contract system in particular .

  14. 实证检验结果表明,人民币汇率和我国利率在长期存在稳定的均衡关系,但他们在短期内的联动关系并不明显。

    The empirical result indicates that there is stable equilibrium relationship between RMB exchange rate and China Interbank Offered Rate in the long run , but the relationship between them is not obvious in the short term .

  15. 本文系统评述了国内外商业银行风险管理理论及风险管理系统的发展过程与研究现状,并重点讨论了我国在该领域存在的一些问题。

    The development and recent situation of commercial bank risk management theory and system at home and abroad are systematically expounded in this dissertation , and some existing problems on this field in China have been emphatically discussed .

  16. 第三章分析了国内外典型的文献信息资源共建共享模式,包括行政支持的文献信息资源建设协作模式和图书馆联盟模式,总结了它们的成功经验,进而找出了我国在实践中存在的问题。

    Chapter 3 analyzes the typical document information resource co-building and sharing model home and abroad , including administrative-supported cooperative collection development model and library consortia , summarizes these projects ' success and find out the problems that exist in the practice of China .

  17. 介绍了国内外煤焦油加工发展的现状和煤焦油分离的新技术,阐述了我国在该领域存在的不足,并以PRO/Ⅱ为工具对煤焦油两塔式连续蒸馏进行了模拟研究。

    The paper introduces coal tar processing and new technology of coal tar separation both at home and abroad and the shortcomings of domestic technology . PRO / ⅱ was used to simulate two-column continuous distillation and was found to be a good tool to improve the technology .

  18. 而当我走近那幅画时,我在期待不存在的细节。

    And as I walked towards the picture , I was expecting detail that wasn 't there .

  19. 我笃信,那个少年就是我,是我在别一空间存在的证明。

    I devoutly believed that the youth was me , the proof of my existence in another space .

  20. 两国的经验对于当前我国正在实施的基本公共卫生服务均等化,解决我国在上述方面存在的一些问题具有一定的启示作用。

    The experiences of the two countries have some references and implications to solve the problems and promote the process of equalization of basic public health service in our country .

  21. 一节课接下来的时间里,我极力地不让自己注意他的存在,但因为这是不可能的事,所以至少极力地不让他知道我在注意他的存在。

    I tried very hard not to be aware of him for the rest of the hour , and , since that was impossible , at least not to let him know that I was aware of him .