
liè rì yán yán
  • Scorching sun;The sun is shining fiercely
烈日炎炎[liè rì yán yán]
  1. 尽管秘密是在不经意间暴露,而烈日炎炎下身穿三件式礼服相当不舒服,James仍表示若有机会,他们夫妇还是会这么举办婚礼。

    Despite the unexpected unveiling , and the discomfort of wearing a three piece suit on the hottest day of the year , James says he and Sharon wouldn 't have changed a thing about their unusual wedding day .

  2. 尽管依然是烈日炎炎,但消费者已经可以从Saks买到皮草手袋了,例如博柏利(Burberry)的貂皮单肩包(2295美元)、华伦天奴(Valentino)的貂皮单肩包(售价5395美元)。

    With the weather still toasty , Saks has an array of fur bags available , from Burberry 's adoptable-looking mink shoulder bag ( $ 2295 ) to Valentino 's mink shoulder bag ( $ 5395 ) .

  3. 只是扯过衣衫为我遮住这烈日炎炎。

    Cheguo clothes for me just cover the scorching sun .

  4. 当北半球烈日炎炎的时候,来澳州吧。

    When the sun is roasting the entire northern hemisphere , come to australia !

  5. 虽然烈日炎炎,但每天都有数千人大排长龙等待参观。

    Each day – even during the sweltering summer – thousands of visitors waited in long lines to enter Futurama .

  6. 虽然现在很多地方已经烈日炎炎,但只有到了这个星期的周三才能正式宣告夏天的到来。

    Although already hot enough in many places , we still need to wait until this Wednesday to announce the arrival of summer .

  7. 我要在一个烈日炎炎的夏天躺在一棵大橡树下,和我的朋友们摆一个汽水摊。

    I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer 's day .

  8. 让我在烈日炎炎的夏天大汗淋漓吧,这样我就会乞求能有一捧雪可以在脸上搓揉。

    Make me sweat on a hot summer 's day so I wish I had a handful of snow to rub my face in .

  9. 与天井•越洋一起逃离烈日炎炎的喧闹北京,在旺泉谷的清凉的河水、瀑布边放松自己、享受整整一日的凉爽!

    Escape the sweltering summer heat and bustle of Beijing on a relaxing day hike by the cool riverside and lulling waterfalls of Wangquan Valley .

  10. 此外,新鲜的空气振奋人心,在烈日炎炎下,这无疑是一份难得的清心剂。

    The air , besides , was fresh and stirring , and this , under the sheer sunbeams , was a wonderful refreshment to our senses .

  11. 而今,这家格林威治村的餐馆似乎铁了心要引诱顾客臣服于骨汤,即使外面烈日炎炎——为此,他们推出了新的骨汤冰棍,将肉汤与水果和椰奶混合,制成冰冻甜点。

    And it seems the Greenwich Village eatery is intent on enticing customers to down bone broth even when it 's hot outside - and to that end , they 've debuted a new bone broth popsicle , which mixes the meaty liquid with fruit and coconut milk for a frozen dessert treat .