
  • 网络Wait Forever;Forever Waiting
  1. 启用用户响应超时(未选中则永远等待)

    Enable timeout for user response ( unchecked means wait forever )

  2. 我真的必须要永远等待吗?我的心真要痛苦、哭泣一整夜吗?

    Will I have to wait forever , will I have to suffer and cry the whole night through ?

  3. 原定的时间永远等待我,是我错过了你!

    The original time never wait for me , is I missed you !

  4. 我会永远等待你在这里。

    Forever I will wait for you here .

  5. 语句将永远等待,但是它时常会放弃已获得的锁以打破潜在的死锁可能。

    Statement waits forever , but gives up the lock occasionally to break a potential deadlock .

  6. 那你只能永远等待下去了。

    you will be waiting forever .

  7. 你做决定的时候,不要太犹豫不决,好的机会不会永远等待你。

    Don 't hesitate too long in making decisions , good opportunities won 't wait for you forever .

  8. 如果你在等待的是一个给你带来这样肯定性的成就,你就要做好永远等待的准备了。

    If you 're waiting for the one achievement that will give you this certainty , prepare to wait forever .

  9. 然后建造者毁灭了铁匠,他放下了自己的锤子和自己的肉体,他将永远等待建造者的宽容。

    And didst then the Builder breathe upon the smith , that he lay down his hammer and his body , and didst come to stand by the right hand of the Builder for all time .

  10. 半路上命运之神永远在等待。

    How fate is ever waiting on the way .

  11. 你我永远的等待!

    You and I will always wait !

  12. 等待有把握时再去做一件事情,往往意味着永远的等待。

    Waiting to do something until you can be sure of doing it exactly right means wating for ever .

  13. 你是我心中无法言说的痛,你是我心中永远的等待。

    You are my heart that the pain can not be made , you are waiting for my heart forever .

  14. 已经变成珍珠的砂粒觉得很悲哀,但是并不绝望,因为他知道,另一粒砂在海底,痴痴地然而永远地等待着他。

    The sand become Pearl was very sad , but no despair , because he knew that another was in the bottom of the sea , waiting for him forever .

  15. 我的爱将永远在这里等待的权利。

    My love will always be waiting right here .

  16. 我永远都会等待这一天的。

    I will always be waiting for this day .

  17. 永远的死亡等待任何寻求偷走保管在这房间里的宝物。

    Eternal death awaits any who would seek to steal the treasures secured within this room .

  18. 此行为将减少启动项目所需的时间,因为您永远都不需要等待它重新编译。

    This behavior reduces the amount of time required to launch your project because you never have to wait for it to recompile .

  19. 决定不再随意将手伸向天际,假装你永远躲在云端等待。

    I decide not to stretch my arms into the sky at will , and I pretend that you will forever be waiting in the cloud .

  20. 我一直都在想念你,我会永远怀念你,永远等待你。

    I will think of you and wait for you forever .