
  1. 我永远都在减肥,因为我很容易长胖。

    I 'm forever on a diet , since I put on weight easily

  2. 他们永远都在怨别人。

    They 're forever bitching about everybody else .

  3. 本田(Honda)旗下一向表现平平的高端品牌讴歌似乎永远都在转型。

    Honda 's traditionally under-performing Acura seems to be in perpetual transition .

  4. 回首二战后的岁月,我发现自己永远都在试图再现在儿童时在Lakes所体会到的自由。

    Looking back on those postwar years I see myself as forever trying to recapture the freedom I had enjoyed as a boy in the Lakes .

  5. 法国则指摘德国总理安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)意图把德国变为大瑞士,因为她永远都在小心翼翼地迎合选民。

    In Paris , Angela Merkel is accused of turning Germany into greater Switzerland as she forever runs scared of voters .

  6. 这些压力重重的“奈特尔(NETTEL)”父母永远都在排日程、列计划,记录着要怎样完成第二天的事务。

    These stressed-out Nettel parents are forever scheduling , scheming and diarising about how to execute the next day 's events .

  7. 卡拉:无论你到了哪里,你永远都在我的心里。

    Kala : And you will always be in my heart .

  8. 如果你永远都在忙着说话,那你就永远学不到东西。

    Youll never learn anything if youre too busy talking .

  9. 而我永远都在扮演着别人的配角。

    I am always playing the supporting role of others .

  10. 我们永远都在彼此的身旁。

    Somehow we would always find our way back to each other .

  11. 在我的心里,你永远都在那儿。

    And in my mind , you was always there .

  12. 不,神奇永远都在。

    No , the magic hasn 't gone at all .

  13. 知识,一种永远都在不停前进的文化载体。

    Knowledge , one is in the culture carriers advancing ceaselessly forever .

  14. 无论彼此相隔有何等遥远,我们永远都在相互的身边。

    No matter how far apart we are , we 're always together .

  15. 如果你需要有人说话,我永远都在!

    If you need someone to take to , I am always here !

  16. 多花些时间让他知道你永远都在他身边。

    Take the time to let him know you 'll always be there .

  17. 我们要永远都在一起。

    We 're going to be together for the rest of our lives .

  18. 爱永远都在我们心间

    Love leads on inside our hearts And always will

  19. 最好的团队永远都在投资进行几项试验,看其中的哪个项目可能促进增长。

    The best teams are always investing in several experiments that could augment growth .

  20. 只要你在使用这门语言,你就永远都在进步。

    As long as you use the language , you 'll always be progressing .

  21. 你永远都在我心间!

    You 're always in my heart !

  22. 你永远都在7号吃饭。

    You sit at lunch table seven .

  23. 目标是永远都在运动着的。

    The goal is perpetual motion .

  24. 要记得:你永远都在舞台上。

    You are always on stage .

  25. 无论你有没有口袋,我们的,永远都在。

    No matter you have that pocket or not , we 'll be with you forever .

  26. 你懂吗,我是说,好像永远都在试图改善自己的现状一样。

    You know ? I mean , it 's like always trying to better my situation .

  27. 企业主永远都在寻觅,不为他们的爱情生活,而是为他们的事业生机。

    Business owners always are not for their love life but for the life of their business .

  28. 病菌永远都在传播。

    Germs have always traveled .

  29. 比如我好像永远都在吃甘蓝菜汤

    Such as , " I feel like I 've eaten nothing but cabbage soup forever . "

  30. 生命中的每一天都是旅行,我们永远都在路上、在旅途中。

    Every day in life is travels , we are on the road , in journey forever .