
  • 网络Going Concern;business continuity;sustainable
  1. 商标作为智慧财产之凝结,已逐渐成为企业商业信誉之表征和永续经营之形象,更是参与市场竞争的法律利器,其法律风险防范的重要性不可估量。

    As the condensation of intellectual property , trademark has gradually become the characterization of enterprise commercial credit and the image of business continuity , and all the more the legal weapon to participate the market competition . Thus , its importance on prevention against legal risks is immeasurable .

  2. 寿险营销是实现寿险业务增长、树立寿险企业良好形象和保证企业永续经营的根本保障。

    Life insurance marketing is the fundamental guarantee of achieving business growth , fostering a good image of the life insurance companies and business continuity protection .

  3. 追求卓越、永续经营追求成功的强烈的动力。

    To Pursue Excellence to Push Development a strong drive for success .

  4. 经营理念:人无我有,人有我优!永续经营,诚信发展。

    Business Philosophy : No one I have , I have excellent !

  5. 用心规划、传承创新、专业施工、永续经营!

    Carefully planning , inheritance and innovation , professional construction , sustainable business !

  6. 诚信、创新,互利共荣、永续经营!

    Integrity , innovation , mutual benefit and common prosperity , sustainable business !

  7. 团结是指齐心齐力,重视团队合作,以达永续经营。

    Team spirit-be whole-hearted , and emphasize team work .

  8. 从符合客户需求出发谈企业的永续经营

    According to Customer Requirement , Talking About How To Continue Running The Corporation

  9. 在资讯文化的领域内永续经营。

    Culture in the information field of sustainable development .

  10. 采取科学有效措施,强化风险管理,从而实现保险企业的永续经营、持续健康发展。

    Adopt scientific and effective management so as to achieve continual and healthy development .

  11. 多项国际大厂的合作案,更为事业永续经营奠定稳固根基。

    Cooperative projects with various international companies establish the solid base for everlasting operation .

  12. 文化资产与历史环境维护永续经营的可持续发展新思维

    New Ideas of Preserving the Cultural Properties and Historic Heritages in a Sustainable Way

  13. 追求卓越、永续经营追捕者一跳越过了栅栏。

    To Pursue Excellence to Push Development The pursuer cleared the fence in one hop .

  14. 社会责任和财务核心能力是现代企业永续经营难以回避的问题。

    Social responsibility and financial core competence are the unavoidable problems for modern enterprise sustainable development .

  15. 森林永续经营利用数学模型的探讨

    Mathematical models in sustained forest management

  16. 交期的经营理念与中外客户共同成长,永续经营!

    Delivery business philosophy and common growth of Chinese and foreign customers , and sustainable Business !

  17. 并将赢得所有消费大众的信赖与尊敬,作为企业永续经营发展的基石。

    Uni-President regards the trust and respect from the public as the foundation of the long-lasting development .

  18. 追求卓越、永续经营无穷的东西是永远永远继续下去的。

    To Pursue Excellence to Push Development Infinite things go on and on and on , forever .

  19. 公司愿景为:永续经营,奉献社会,建立精英团队;

    Our strategic objectives are : operating permanently , contributing to the society , and establishing elite teams ;

  20. 高度适应市场环境是地勘单位成为永续经营企业的核心

    To Be Seasoned with Market Environment Is the Kernel of Geological Exploration Units to Become Sustainable Managing Enterprises

  21. 精益求精、止于至善是乔登事业永续经营的方向;服务消费者,回报广大社会是乔登卫浴的最终目标。

    JODEN is committed to offer the best products as well as the best service to our customers .

  22. 诚信守法,积极开拓,成果共享,永续经营。

    The good faith obeys the law , the positive development , achievement sharing , continues forever to manage .

  23. 木文的研究结论对改性塑胶行业的永续经营有一定的借鉴意义。

    Also the conclusion of this article has a definitely reference for the sustainable operation of the modified plastic industry .

  24. 您的认可与信赖是指引我们长期发展、永续经营路上的灯塔。

    The recognition and trust of you is the guideline on the process of our long-term developing & sustainably operating .

  25. 并始终坚持稳健经营,重视诚信理念及企业形象管理,为企业永续经营奠定根基。

    Moreover , we always insist stable operation and honor the responsibility and company image as our eternal managerial base .

  26. 重在问题预防,追求执续改善,为客户提供满意的品质与服务,永续经营。

    We stress the issue preventing , pursue continuous improvement ; provide for customer satisfied quality and service , permanent running .

  27. 且家族企业亦会因长远眼光与永续经营之观点,鼓励高阶经理人从事创新活动,以维系于产业中的地位与竞争优势。

    In a long term aspect , family-owned enterprise encouraged innovation activities to maintain the industrial status and competition advantage sustaining .

  28. 让我们帮助贵公司在国际贸易的世界里成功地、有效地、经济地稳健成长&永续经营。

    Let us help you conduct your business more successfully , efficiently and economically in the waving tides of international business environments .

  29. 公司本着“诚信经营,服务企业”为准则来实现永续经营。

    Our company always adheres to the principle of " Providing best services for customers with honest management " for sustainable operation .

  30. 我司以科技为基础,以市场为导向,不断创新,永续经营,不断为客户提供物美价廉的产品。

    Basing on the science , guided by the market , innovates continuously , we are offering wonderful products at a reasonable price .