
  1. 利用防火墙技术搭建绿色校园网

    The use of firewall technology to build a " green campus "

  2. 人文价值;素质教导;环境道德建设;绿色校园。

    Human values ; Quality education ; Environmental and ethical building ; Green Campus .

  3. “绿色校园”绝不仅仅是一个绿色环境。

    The idea of " a green campus " is beyond a green environment .

  4. 建设绿色校园是提高广大学生环境意识的一个有效途径。

    Building green campus is an effective way to strengthen the students environment consciousness .

  5. 绿色校园环境育人

    Green Campus , Environmental Education

  6. 当然,还有一点疑虑就是必须给我们的绿色校园更长远的关心。

    Certainly , there is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campuses .

  7. 浅议大学绿色校园生态

    Green Ecology on University Campus

  8. 欢迎各学生团体将弃用的横额投至回收箱内,共建绿色校园。

    All student organisations are welcome to dispose their used banners into the recycling bin for building a green campus .

  9. 为加强山西农业大学绿色校园建设,对校园大气环境现状进行定量评价。

    In order to building green campus of Shanxi Agricultural University , status quo were quantitative evaluated for air quality .

  10. 绿色校园的生态绿化&以重庆科技学院校园环境规划为例

    Ecological Greening of Green Campus-An Analysis Taking Campus Environment Planning of Chongqing University of Science and Technology as An Example

  11. 因此,构建良好的校园生态,即绿色校园生态,是绿色教育的一个重要追求。

    Therefore , constructing good campus ecology , the green ecology , is one of the important goals of green education .

  12. 建设“绿色校园”将会极大激励学生参与环境保护。

    The construction of " a green campus " will greatly stimulate students to take part in various environmental protection activities .

  13. 为此,要通过突出主旋律、全方位开展高雅健康的校园文化活动和优化校园网络环境来创建绿色校园文化;

    To build this kind of university 's campus culture , we need the outstanding theme , need to launch the graceful and healthy campus cultural activity and optimize the network environment of the campus ;

  14. 高等学校要为教育学生、培养学生、造就学生创造有利条件,营造一个环境优美、绿树成荫、鸟语花香、生态平衡的绿色校园,使大学校园真正成为知识传播、人才培养、思想交流的重要园地。

    Colleges and universities should build a beautiful and comfortable environment with green trees and flowers everywhere for students so that the campus becomes an ideal field of spreading knowledge , training talents and exchanging thought .

  15. 本文探讨运用生态学原理搞好绿色校园基础设施建设,创建良好校园育人环境,开展环境教育活动,把学生培养成为高素质的绿色人才。

    The essay expounds that we should try our best to do well in the construction of the green campus infrastructure establish nice educating atmosphere , launch environmental education activities and develop the students into high-quality green talents .

  16. 摘要通过对江苏农林职业技术学院新校园的景观设计与营造,提出大学校园景观要体现人与自然高度和谐与统一,创造生态校园、人文校园和绿色校园的设计理念。

    Based on the landscape design and construction of new campus of Jiangsu Polytechnic College of agriculture and forestry , this paper suggests campus landscape is highly harmonious and unified combining human with nature , and creates the design ideas , such as ecological , civilization and green campus .

  17. 创建绿色人文校园促进学生全面发展

    Constructing green and humanistic school to promote the student 's all-sided development

  18. 绿色美校园,处处得珍惜。

    The garden-like campus calls for gardener-like care .

  19. 上海浦东新区中小学绿色生态校园建设评估体系研究

    A Studies Green Ecological Campus Building Appraise System of Primary-Middle School in Shanghai Pudong New Area

  20. 位于离伦敦市中心八公里的环境优美的公园绿地旁,它与接近的接近度结合绿色领域校园向伦敦更大的。

    Located eight kilometers from the heart of London but set in beautiful parkland , it combines green field campuses with close proximity to London .

  21. 为建设绿色生态校园,以江苏某高校新校区为例,对校园中给排水进行了系统规划;

    In order to build a green ecological campus , water supply and drainage of reclaimed water in a new university campus of jiangsu were planed and studied .

  22. 以建设绿色环保校园为理念,运用系统工程原理,分析研究校园给排水系统结构,提出了污水资源化给排水模型。

    In order to build a green campus of environmental protection , based on the principle of system engineering , the system structure of campus water supply and draining were analysed and studied .

  23. “绿色生态型”校园文化的创建必须以以人为本为基点、以可持续发展为关键、以创新制度为契机。

    " the green ecotype " the campus culture 's foundation must take humanist as the basic point , take the sustainable development as the key , take innovate the system as a turning point .

  24. 绿色能源在生态型校园建设中的可行性探讨

    On the Feasibility of the Application of Solar Energy in Building Ecological Campus

  25. 绿色之花在校园中尽情绽放

    Green Flowers Blooming in the Campus

  26. 自然生态理念方面包括:推行绿色教学、发展绿色科技、创建绿色的物质文化校园;

    The natural ecological concept includes : practicing green teaching , developing green technology , building campuses with green material culture .

  27. 目前绿色学校的内涵还比较模糊,但至少包含了绿色管理、绿色教育、绿色校园和绿色科研四个方面;

    At present , the connotations of environment-friendly schools still seem relatively fuzzy , but they at least include environment-friendly management , environment-friendly education , environment-friendly campus and environment-friendly scientific research ;

  28. 本文阐述了绿色学校的内涵,认为绿色学校至少包括三个方面的内容,即绿色管理、绿色教育、绿色校园。

    The connotation of Green School has been expatiated , which includes three aspects : Green Management , Green education , and Green Schoolyard .