
  • 网络perpetuity
  1. 部分产权与全部产权的不同之处在于,部分产权是强调永久使用权和继续权,而对收益权和处分权的行使则限定在一定范围之内。

    Of partial property right and full property right lie differently at , partial property right is to emphasize perpetuity and right of inheritance , and the exercise that counterpoises to earnings power and punish criterion demarcate is in certain limits .

  2. 房屋的永久使用权赋予了哈里斯太太。

    Use of the house to be granted to Mrs Harris in perpetuity .

  3. 为建立现代农业生产组织,必须冲破观念缚束,改革农村土地制度,使农民获得土地的永久使用权,培养出大批的合格的农场经营者,完成农村人口向城市的大规模转移。

    In order to establish modern agricultural production organizations , the land system should be reformed .

  4. 一是保障农民永久的农地使用权。

    First , protect the permanent rights of the farmers to use agricultural land .

  5. 只有赋予农民永久的土地使用权,才能解决我国农村土地承包制度所面临的困境。

    Only give peasants a permanent land use rights , it can solve the difficulties fo china 's rural land contract by the system .