
  • 网络made in taiwan;MIT
  1. 在美国俄勒冈州拥有一家大型太阳能电池板工厂的德国公司SolarWorld,在去年12月提交一份申诉,称中国企业通过使用台湾制造的光伏电池、在中国大陆完成其余制造工序,仍可避免关税。

    SolarWorld , a German company that owns a large solar panel factory in Oregon , in December filed a complaint that Chinese companies had been able to avoid the tariffs by using cells made in Taiwan , while keeping the rest of their manufacturing in China .

  2. 全球需求日益复苏增加了订单数量,但台湾制造商品的出口仍显乏力。

    Recovering global demand has boosted orders , but exports of Made in Taiwan goods remain sluggish .

  3. 可以期待,在苹果公司发布iWatch之后,一次模仿的、台湾制造的可穿戴式设备热潮将在今年晚些时候兴起。

    Expect a me-too , made-in-Taiwan boom in wearable devices after Apple releases the iWatch later this year .

  4. 台湾制造集团富士康(Foxconn)计划在印度大举扩张,打算在2020年以前建造最多12家新厂,聘用多达100万名员工。该公司正艰难应对中国日益增长的薪资成本和不断增加的劳工纠纷。

    The Taiwanese manufacturing group Foxconn plans an aggressive expansion in India , building up to 12 new factories and employing as many as 1m workers by 2020 , as it battles rising wage costs and labour disputes in China .

  5. 专利权与企业绩效有关吗?&台湾制造业之实证研究

    Patents and Business Performance : An Empirical Study on Taiwan Manufacturing Industry

  6. 台湾制造自动化技术发展现状

    Scenario of Manufacturing Automation Technology Development in Taiwan Today

  7. 下跌的原因可能是海外市场对台湾制造的产品需求量减低。

    The cause of the drop may be falling overseas demand for goods produced in Taiwan .

  8. 对台湾制造业发展的初步研究&从产业群的角度出发

    A Primary Research on Development of the Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan & From the View of Industrial Clusters

  9. 艾立克:有啊,听起来罗氏药厂可能会允许克流感在台湾制造。

    Eric : Yes , it sounds like Roche may allow Tamiflu to be made here in Taiwan .

  10. 大陆制造企业基本税率远高于台湾制造企业;

    The basic tax rate of the manufacturing enterprise in Chinese mainland is much higher than in Taiwan .

  11. 此外,由于台湾制造业转业的情形相当普遍,我们亦讨论转业对于厂商参进与退出的影响。

    In addition , we also explore whether switch ratio is the determinant of the entry and exit .

  12. 利用大量统计资料,介绍了台湾制造自动化技术的发展现状和应用情况。

    Based on statistical analysis , facts about manufacturing automation technology in Taiwan today are revealed and its future development tendency is forecasted .

  13. 台湾制造业巨头富士康承诺,在威斯康星州投资100亿美元,以创造1.3万个工作岗位。此前,该公司曾在巴西做出过类似的承诺。

    Before the Taiwanese manufacturing giant Foxconn pledged to spend $ 10 billion and create 13000 jobs in Wisconsin , the company made a similar promise in Brazil .

  14. 这从一定程度上解释了为何韩国制造业的月平均工资(3000美元)仅是日本三分之一的原因。不过,它仍然是台湾制造业薪资水平的三倍。

    That helps explain why the average manufacturing wage in South Korea of $ 3,000 a month is only a third of Japan ' s. Yet it is still three times the level of Taiwan .

  15. 韩国与台湾制造业重获活力,加上印度与中国的持续增长,以及经济活动加速的其它迹象,都将加剧通货膨胀可能在亚洲各国抬头的担忧。

    The renewed strength of the factory sectors in South Korea and Taiwan , combined with continued expansion in India and China and other signs of accelerating economic activity , will add to concerns that inflation may be about to take off across the region .

  16. 使用谷歌的安卓软件推动了宏达电(HTC)的发展,但是现在它可能变成弱点,令这家台湾手机制造公司遭遇昂贵的诉讼

    Using Google 's Android software has given HTC a boost , but it may now make the Taiwanese handset-maker vulnerable to costly lawsuits

  17. 郭明錤表示,作为苹果的芯片制造商,台湾半导体制造公司台积电(TSMC),将从苹果的计划中获得很大的好处。

    Kuo says that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company ( TSMC ) , Apple 's chip manufacturer , stands to benefit enormously from Apple 's plans .

  18. 汇丰(HSBC)与经济咨询公司Markit周一发布的采购经理人指数(PMI)表明,台湾的制造业商业环境强劲反弹,韩国则出现了7个月来最大幅度的改善。

    Manufacturing business conditions picked up strongly in Taiwan and improved at the fastest rate in seven months in South Korea , according to purchasing managers ' index data published on Monday by HSBC and Markit , the economics consultancy .

  19. 企业训练与组织绩效关系之探讨&以台湾地区制造业为例

    The Impact of Enterprise Training on Organization Performance : In the Case of Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms

  20. 星科金朋在韩国、新加坡、中国大陆和台湾拥有制造设施。该公司拥有52%股权的台湾子公司不包含在上述交易中。

    Stats ChipPac has manufacturing facilities in South Korea , Singapore , China and Taiwan , where the company has a 52-owned subsidiary that is not included in the deal .

  21. 但是台湾htc公司制造的手机同样出色,其他制造商也在迅速追赶。

    But devices made by HTC , a Taiwanese firm , are just as good and other makers are catching up fast .

  22. 截至1997年,华硕为个人电脑(PC)厂商制造主板已经8年,施崇棠做出决定,这家台湾公司需要制造自己的电脑,以“让华硕成为一个真正的品牌”。

    By 1997 , Asus had been making motherboards for PC manufacturers for eight years , and Mr Shih decided the Taiwanese company needed to make its own computers in order " to make Asus a real brand . "

  23. 在凯雷(Carlyle)收购台湾日月光半导体制造股份有限公司(ASE)的努力落空后,预计私人股本基金将重新审视自己尝试收购台湾上市公司的做法。日月光半导体是全球最大的芯片测试和封装企业。

    Private equity funds are expected to re-examine their attempts to buy out Taiwanese listed companies after the collapse of Carlyle 's attempt to acquire Advanced Semiconductor Engineering , the world 's largest chip testing and packaging company .

  24. 台湾瓦楞纸板制造机沿革

    Development of corrugated board making equipment in Taiwan

  25. 由台湾先进设备制造出来的渔丝线是用做纺织装饰性编织的理想产品。

    The invisible thread made by high-tech machines are considered as the best sewing and decoration series .

  26. 一位金融高管表示,就好像台湾央行在制造一个假的30元汇率。

    It is as if the central bank were creating a fake T $ 30 exchange rate , said one finance executive .

  27. 创立于1976年,健业为台湾地区专业制造汽车水箱散热风扇厂,秉持以最具竞争力价格来生产最优秀产品。

    Founded in1976 , we manufacture Radiator Cooling Fan Assy & Air Conditioning Fan Assy and insist on producing good quality products at competitive price .

  28. 周五,当台湾电子产品制造巨头富士康称其12月的收入同比下降20%时,这种衰退再次被突显了出来。

    The headwinds were highlighted again on Friday , when the Taiwanese electronics manufacturing giant Foxconn said that December revenue was 20 percent lower than it was last December .

  29. 在创立初期,元太并没有重点开发电子纸,而是开发其它电子产品,比如平板显示器基于台湾制造商擅长制造的液晶显示屏。

    In the early days , the company concentrated not on e-paper but other electronic products , such as flat screens based on liquid crystal displays , a speciality of Taiwanese manufacturers .

  30. 上述批评者的观点经常给在台湾的外国投资者制造困难。

    This view has at times made it difficult for foreign investors in Taiwan .