
  • 网络Send in the clowns;Cabaret Tears
  1. 仁川市官员KimYun-hee为乐团当过一个星期的向导,她表示她们在台上台下都给人留下了很好的印象。

    Kim Yun-hee , an Incheon city official who spent a week as a guide for the girls ' choir , said they had given a favorable impression on stage and off .

  2. 一连串的问题让台上台下的人们都感到忧虑。

    A litany of concerns worried people on the platforms and in the audiences .

  3. 和们在台上台下在一起的时间,我感到开心和骄傲。

    But I 'm always cheering for our members up close , and on the stage with them all the time .

  4. 这位领唱者说,这项年度盛事因拉近了台上台下人们的距离而出名。

    The song leader says this annual event is known for bringing people together , both on and off the stage .

  5. 主角是神,而台上台下是合一的配角,一起同心合意地回应神的爱。

    He is the object of our adoration , and we are just responding to his call of love upon our lives .

  6. 台上台下,舞蹈队员热情洋溢,充满友爱,博得世界各地人民的喜爱。

    Both on and off stage , team members win the hearts of people around the world as they communicate enthusiasm , love and friendship .

  7. 无论是管理人员、演出人员的配置,台上台下的规约,收支财务的管理都可谓自成体系、合理有效。

    Management personnel , the configuration of the performers on stage and the Statute , the balance of payments financial management can be described as self-contained , rational and effective .