
tái shānɡ
  • Taiwan merchants
  1. 台商对祖国大陆农业直接投资的特点与前景展望

    Characteristic and Perspective of Taiwan Merchants ' Direct Investment to Chinese Agriculture

  2. 90年代末以来,台商投资兴趣从东莞转移到了苏州地区。基于对几个典型台商的访谈,本文分析了东莞和苏州个人电脑(PC)台商产业群的差异。

    This paper analyses the regional inequality between the Taiwanese PC-related industrial clusters in Dongguan and Suzhou .

  3. 台商对大陆FDI区域聚集的引导机制及效应分析

    Analysis on Guidance Mechanism and Effect of Regional Agglomeration from Taiwanese FDI in Chinese Mainland

  4. 台商对大陆农业的直接投资已经成为大陆农业所吸收的外商直接投资(FDI)的重要组成部分。

    Taiwanese direct investment into mainland agriculture fields has been the important components of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) absorbed by mainland .

  5. 中国加入WTO后,其对台商的一些税收优惠政策将逐步取消,面临强大的竞争压力,台商应利用现有优势地位,积极改善企业体质、增强企业竞争能力。

    After WTO entry of china , some preferential taxes for Taiwanese will be canceled gradually , under the press of severe competition , Taiwanese should take the existing advantage to reform the corporation structure and enhance the corporation competition .

  6. 最后预测台商电子企业投资战略变化发展的趋势。

    Finally , forecasted the investment trend of Taiwanese electronic manufactories .

  7. 这些措施增加了天津对台商投资的吸引力。

    These measures increase the attractiveness of Tianjin to Taiwanese merchants .

  8. 台商在大陆投资产业的演变与展望

    Development and Prospect of Industries Invested at Mainland by Taiwan Businessmen

  9. 台商在天津投资获利颇丰。

    Taiwanese merchants receive very handsome profits from investing in tianjin .

  10. 上海地区台商休闲体验之研究

    A Qualitative Research of Taiwanese Businessmen ′ s Leisure Experience in Shanghai

  11. 我对台贸易及台商在大陆投资迄今已取得突破性进展。

    Trade with Taiwan and Taiwan investments in the Mainland have effec .

  12. 改善深圳台商投资环境的对策分析

    Ways to Improve Investment Environment for Taiwan Businessmen in Shenzhen

  13. 台商大陆直接投资研究新进展

    New Developments of the Study on Direct Investment on Mainland by Taiwan Businessmen

  14. 台商投资产业集聚为现阶段大陆各级政府对台招商引资提供了新的思路。

    Taiwanese industrial centralization offers new thoughts for all levels'government using Taiwanese investment .

  15. 台商赴大陆投资租税规划研究

    Tax and Layout Research on Taiwanese Investment in Mainland

  16. 中国台商全球企业伦理之初探

    A Primal Study in the Global Business Ethics of Taiwanese Enterprises in China

  17. 祖国大陆农业利用台商直接投资的现状、问题及对策

    Study on the Present Situations , Problems and Countermeasures of TDI to Mainland Agriculture

  18. 浅析台商投资与浙江经济发展

    Investment from Taiwan and Economic Development in Zhejiang

  19. 对地方政府吸引台商投资政策的新探讨&从企业集群角度分析

    On Attracting Taiwan Investments by Local Government From the Perspective of Enterprises Clusters Theory

  20. 浙江经济转型升级与台商的发展空间研究

    On Zhejiang 's Economic Transformation and Upgrading and the Development Opportunities for Taiwanese Businessmen

  21. 这30年间,台商投资大陆的规模日益扩大。

    During these 30 years , the scale of Taiwanese investment was expanding rapidly .

  22. 其中,关联产业是否配套是台商集聚的重要因素之一。

    Among them , correlative industry is one of the key factors . 3 .

  23. 台商对大陆投资的新特征

    On New Traits of Taiwanese Investment in Mainland

  24. 台商中小企业协作网络探究

    Research on the collaboration net of small and midium-sized enterprises that belong to Taiwan businessmen

  25. 统计还显示,台商投资祖国大陆正趋向大型化。

    Statistics also revealed that Taiwanese business investments in the mainland is tending to increase .

  26. 台商直接投资对两岸贸易影响的实证研究

    Study on the Influence of Taiwanese Direct Investment on the Trade between the Mainland and Taiwan

  27. 台商评价投资环境

    Investment Environment Assessment by Taiwan Entrepreneurs

  28. 福建吸收台商投资的现状、特征及政策分析

    Comprehensive Analysis of Status Quo , Characteristics and Countermeasure of Fujian 's Fund Attraction from Taiwan

  29. 从台商投诉看保护台商的合法权益

    To Promote Protection Of Legal Rights And Interests Of Taiwanese Businessmen In Light of Their Complaints

  30. 台商投资大陆中部地区及其投资环境分析

    Study of the Location Selection and Investment Environment of Taiwanese Investment in the Central of Mainland