
  • 网络taipei city government;Taipei City Hall
  1. 王令麟及其他东森媒体集团主管同时涉嫌贿赂台北市政府官员,以赢得运营台北巨蛋(TaipeiArena)的合同。台北巨蛋是台湾领先的运动和娱乐场所。

    Mr Wang and other EMG executives were also charged with bribing Taipei city government officials to win a contract to run the Taipei Arena , a leading sports and entertainment venue .

  2. 台北市政府正试图通过一套规范网络咖啡馆的新条例。

    The Taipei city government is trying to pass a new package of regulations covering Internet cafes .

  3. 自上世纪90年代中期以来,台北市政府成功实施了市区禁放烟花爆竹。

    Since the mid-1990s , the government has successfully banned fireworks in urban areas .

  4. 第二天早上,我们探访了台北市政府消防局救灾救护指挥中心。

    In the morning of the second day , we visited the Taipei City Fire Department Emergency Dispatch Center .

  5. 台北市政府和出租车司机正在考虑出租车起步价调涨的几个方案,调涨时间基本确定在下个月。

    Taxi drivers and Taipei City government officials are considering a number of proposals for a flag down fare hike almost certain to be implemented next month .

  6. 星光大道也已经向台北市政府申请封路,当天就能在小巨蛋的敦化北路上看到1条美丽的星光大道。

    We have applied to government of Taipei blockading the road at that night and let us can see a beautiful star light main road at Dun-Hua n.road .

  7. 2006年台北市政府开始举办「凤梨酥文化节」,则是创造凤梨酥新商机的幕后推手。

    In2006 the Taipei City Government launched the Pineapple Cake Cultural Festival , which has ended up playing an important role in garnering new business opportunities for pineapple cake manufacturers .

  8. 台北市政府称,由于还要完成引进手续和检疫措施方面的程序,这两只大熊猫可能无法在今年年底之前到达台湾。

    Due to the import procedures and quarantine measures , the two pandas might not arrive in Taiwan before the end of the year , according to the Taipei city government .

  9. 同时,台北市政府称,他们已投入约2.5元新台币用于兴建熊猫馆。而六福村用于该项目的款项仅为台北市的三分之一。

    Meanwhile , Taipei 's city government says it has invested about NT $ 250 million to build a panda house , while Leofoo says it spent about a third of that sum on the project .

  10. 在台北市政府的预算中,每月有34万元新台币(合1.05万美元)特别费供市长随意支配,其中一半可用于慈善捐款及其它公共用途,而无需提供原始收据。

    The Taipei city government budget includes a monthly allowance of T $ 340000 ( US $ 10500 ) for discretionary use by the mayor , half of which can be handed out for charity or other public purposes without having to submit original receipts .