
  • 网络education in taiwan
  1. 陈仪与台湾教育事业之接收和重建

    Chen Yi and the Takeover and Redevelopment of Education in Taiwan

  2. 但台湾教育部官员倪周华(nichou-hwa)表示,大陆入台学生数量最初将被限制在1000人以内。

    But Ni chou-hwa , an official at the Ministry of education , says the number of Chinese students will initially be capped at 1000 .

  3. 台湾教育部长杜正胜(TuCheng-sheng)表示:这显示了我们教育改革的成功。

    Tu Cheng-sheng , Taiwan 's minister of education , said : This shows the success of [ our ] education reform .

  4. 从实用到适用&台湾教育理念的嬗变

    From Pragmatics to Suitability & Evolution of Educational Philosophy in Taiwan

  5. 日据时期台湾教育的双重性

    The Dual Character of Taiwan 's Education During the Period Occupied by Japan

  6. 以台湾教育为背景,对台湾的“艺术与人文”课程从内容、范围、学习方法以及评价的标准等方面作了评价,以求对我们目前进行的课程改革有所帮助。

    The humane and artistic curriculum including its contents , scopes , studying methods and evaluation standards may be helpful to the reformation of our curriculum .

  7. 观照国民教育各阶段亦可发现,民族精神、传统礼仪和道德始终是台湾教育界倡导的。

    Contemplation of each stage of the national education educational objectives and curriculum can be found that the national spirit , the traditional etiquette ethics has always advocated Taiwanese educator .

  8. 由于陈仪将教育事业的接收与重建,视为诸部门、诸领域接收与重建中的“最重要”的工作,台湾教育事业的接收工作顺利,重建工作有序。

    Since Ms. Chen regarded the work as the " most important " one among the others , takeover of Taiwan education was smooth and successful and the redevelopment was in order .

  9. 因此,深入考察康雍乾时期台湾教育史的发展过程和对台湾的影响,是台湾史研究的重要组成部分。

    Therefore , it is an important part of studies on the history of Taiwan to make a through investigation into the process of education development and its effects over Taiwan society .

  10. 本研究在分析台湾教育资源网与浙江教育资源网的课程资源配置情况的基础上,提出中小学教育资源网站的课程资源配置建议。

    As a result of the analysis of curriculum resource allocation in Taiwan Education Resource Website and Zhejiang Education Resource Website , this paper made suggestions on curriculum resource allocation in primary and secondary education .

  11. 本研究即针对台湾高等教育扩张前期的1992年与后期的2001年两个时点,利用Mincer的“薪资所得函数”加以扩充,来解释当前台湾人力资本投资与薪资所得之间的关系。

    This research utilizes " income function of the wages " of Mince to explain the relationship between present human capital investment and wages in Taiwan .

  12. 台湾高等教育评鉴制度的构建及启示

    Construction and Enlightenment of Evaluation System in Taiwan 's Higher Education

  13. 大陆台湾医学教育评价之比较

    A comparison of medical education appraisal between the Mainland and Taiwan

  14. 21世纪初,台湾高等教育面临着十大问题。

    Higher education in Taiwan is facing ten major problems .

  15. 当代台湾道德教育的改革走向及其启示

    The Tendency and Enlightenment of Moral Education Reform in Taiwan

  16. 21世纪初台湾高等教育改革述评

    Review of Taiwan Higher Education at the Beginning of the 21st Century

  17. 台湾基础教育生本化、优质化发展述评

    Review on Student-based and Excellent Quality Basic Education in Taiwan

  18. 台湾高等教育的世纪回眸与前瞻

    Century Review and Prospect of Higher Education in Chinese Taiwan

  19. 从台湾生命教育到华人生命教育

    From Life Education in Taiwan to Chinese Life Education

  20. 台湾远程教育的发展、现状与趋势

    The Development of Distance Education in Taiwan : Current Situations and Future Trends

  21. 这一趋势将对台湾高等教育产生较大的影响。

    This trend will eventually have a greater impact on Taiwanese higher education .

  22. 台湾职成教育及社区教育对我们的启示

    Enlightenment on the Adult Professional Community Education in Taiwan

  23. 台湾环境教育的特色与大陆环境教育的前瞻

    The Characteristics of Taiwan Environmental Education and the Perspective of Chinese Environmental Education

  24. 台湾师范教育变革之趋势

    The reform trends of teacher education in Taiwan

  25. 台湾职业教育特色及对发展职业教育的启示

    The Characteristics of Taiwan Vocational Education and Enlightenment to the Development of Vocational Education

  26. 内地、香港和台湾高等教育若干问题的比较与借鉴

    Higher Education in Mainland , Hongkong and Taiwan

  27. 明郑时期台湾的教育与科举

    Education and Imperial Examination in the Period of Zheng Regime of Ming Dynasty in Taiwan

  28. 台湾基础教育课程改革策略及其成效之研究

    A Reflection on the Strategy and Effectiveness of Taiwan 's Curriculum Reform in Basic Education

  29. 20世纪下半叶台湾高等教育办学体制的变革

    The Operating System Transformation of Taiwan Higher Education During the Second Half of 20th Century

  30. 台湾师范教育改革管窥

    A Glimpse of Taiwan Normal Education Reformation