
  • 网络Modern Stage
  1. 现代舞台灯光设备的发展动向

    The Development Trend of Modern Stage Lighting Equipment

  2. 音乐剧是集音乐、舞蹈、戏剧表演于一体的现代舞台剧。

    Musical play is a kind of modern scenery play gathering music , dance and play .

  3. 然而,因为我们习惯了现代舞台尤其是歌剧的歌队的功能,我们就不能了解;为甚么,照传统的说法,希腊悲剧的歌队比“剧情”本身更古远,更根本,真的,更重要呢?

    Whereas we who are accustomed to the role of the chorus in modem theater , especially opera , find it hard to conceive how the chorus of the Greeks should have been older , more central than the dramatic action proper ( although we have clear testimony to this effect )

  4. 德国美茵茨国家剧院&最现代的舞台机械技术

    State Theater Mainz of German & The modest stage drive and control technology

  5. 奥尼尔深受现代戏剧舞台上的一位伟大的革新家斯特林堡所吸引。

    As an experimental dramatist , O'Neill was attracted to the greatest innovator in modern theatre ;

  6. 在五四呼唤戏剧改良的运动中,王尔德及其唯美主义戏剧的代表作《莎乐美》走上了中国现代戏剧舞台,并掀起了一股不小的唯美旋风。

    During the May 4th Literary Movement , Oscar Wilde and his masterpiece Salome stepped on the modern Chinese stage .

  7. 技术创新对产业集群来说是保持其在现代经济舞台中强竞争力的重要因素,在科技、市场迅速发展的今天,不创新不学习就意味着落后。

    Technology innovation is an important factor of industrial cluster to maintain its strong competitive power in modern economic stage . When the technology and market change rapidly , not innovate or learn means fail behind .

  8. 受到本土文化的影响,中国的现代舞舞台上,出现了很多不同于西方题材的,以反映本民族文化精神为主的舞蹈剧目。

    On the Chinese modern dancing stage , affected by the local culture , there has been a lot of dancing repertoires which are different from the Western subjects , and mainly to reflect the spirit of the national culture .

  9. 现代武术的舞台表演艺术

    The Stage Performance Arts of Modern Martial Arts

  10. 存在主义作为现代西方哲学舞台上影响最大、流传最广的流派之一,其哲学观必然受唯意志主义的影响。

    Being considered as one of the most influential and widespread sects on contemporary western philosophy stage , existentialism is destined to be influenced by voluntarism profoundly .

  11. 这件作品受京剧的影响,两位手持武器的人物谨慎地相互绕圈。同时,其他人物无视他们的存在,身着古装或现代服装进入舞台。

    With references to the Peking Opera , two armed figures circle each other warily as , oblivious to their presence , actors in period uniforms and contemporary dress enter the theatrical arena .

  12. 但是在近现代的中国历史舞台上,秘密会社的身影经常可见。

    However , those secret societies still appear on the stage of Chinese history .

  13. 南通的家纺品牌一定能在现代市场经济的舞台上绽放光芒,永葆活力!

    Nantong Textiles brand must be able to stage a modern market economy shine maintain the vitality !

  14. 随着国际经济格局的变化,丝绸之路在沉睡一千年之后,又在现代国际贸易的舞台上复活了。

    Along with the change of international economic structure , Silk Road revived again on the stage of modern international trade again after sound sleep of one thousand years .

  15. 历史进入现代,世界历史舞台发生了翻天覆地的变化,却没有改变大国在这个地区争夺战略利益的事实。

    When history entered the modern times , the entire world has changed , but the only unchanged thing was the contention among the developed countries in this area .

  16. 在近现代以来的世界舞台上,有九个国家先后在不同的历史时期成为世界的主角,对人类社会发展产生了重大影响。

    In modern history , nine countries have at one point or another been main players on the world stage , with major implications for how human society has developed .

  17. 在过去的中国动漫元素的提炼上,总有一部分人认为它是过去时,不能再登上现代荧屏的大舞台,这种对中华传统文化持有不同认识的看法明显具有一定的局限性。

    The refined of the Chinese animation elements , there is some people always think it is in the past , can not board on the stage of the modern screen . This kind of understanding of traditional Chinese culture obviously has some limitations .

  18. 虚无意识拥有了内核,同时需要包容其合适的外壳,新感觉派的现代艺术便搬上了中国现代文学的历史舞台。

    Nihilism has the core ; it needs a suitable appearance , and then , modern art , based on the modern sense of nihilism , come to the historic stage of China modern literature .

  19. 现代军事信息系统的智能化、网络化发展趋势日渐明朗,以军事信息系统为对象的信息战作为一种全新的作战形式走上了现代战争的历史舞台。

    Modern military information system is becoming more and more intelligent and dependent on network . The information war targeting at military information system has stepped into the stage of modern war as a kind of new form .