
  • 网络Modern Love Story;Frankie and Johnny;Frankie & Johnny
  1. 一部滑稽地现代爱情故事,内部人际关系的复杂映照出伦敦的散乱。

    A twisted modern love story , where the inner complexity of the relationships is reflected by the London sprawl .

  2. 现代爱情故事有了全新的演绎版。通过应用照片来演示一个故事的报刊。

    There is a new demo of modern love story . journalism that presents a story primarily through the use of pictures .

  3. 他们怪罪童话与现代爱情故事,令有可能享有一段完美关系这种迷思深植人心。

    And they blame fairytales and modern love stories for perpetuating the myth that enjoying a perfect relationship is possible .

  4. 在青春偶像剧华丽精致的现代爱情故事背后,充斥着一种男性的观看意识,剧中的一切都以满足男性的视觉愉悦为旨归。

    Behind the delicate and magnificent love stories of modern youth idols , a masculine perspective is conceived , which aims to satisfy man 's visual pleasure .

  5. 梁凤仪小说之所以受到读者欢迎,是因为在她的一系列小说中,讲述了一个个缠绵悱恻的现代爱情故事,塑造了一个个追求美而又被生活所欺骗,直至奋起的女性形象。

    Liang Feng-yi 's short stories are warmly welcome by readers only because she has told one after another sad and sentimental modern love short stories and created female images who have been seeking for beauty but cheated by life until standing up to fight .

  6. 这是一个现代版爱情故事。

    This is a modern love story .

  7. 基本资料:林允儿曾主演韩剧《爱情雨》,这部“命运幻想曲”讲述了一个从父辈延续到现代的爱情故事:上世纪70年代一对恋人因命运捉弄而分手,而到了现代,他们的子女又相恋了。

    Basics : Lim stared in Love Rain , a fantasy drama about fate and how the offspring of a previous ill-fated couple who met in the 1970s , also fall in love with each other .