
  • 网络Let's go now;You fly now
  1. 我最好现在就出发,不然要迟到了。

    I 'd better go , or I 'll be late .

  2. 你不认为我们最好现在就出发去看戏吗?

    Don 't you think we 'd better head for the play now ?

  3. 那么现在就出发,成就一番大事业吧。

    Now get out there and make a splash !

  4. 我们现在就出发吧!

    Let 's start at once ! '

  5. 我们现在就出发!

    We leave now . Right now .

  6. 我不知道如果他现在就出发的话能否赶上这班火车。

    I wonder if he will be in time for the train if he starts now .

  7. 事实上,我想现在就出发,这样我就可以避开人群了!

    In fact , I 'd like to get going so I can beat the crowds !

  8. 你最好现在就出发。

    Youd better set off now .

  9. 如果我想天黑前到那儿,你最好现在就出发。

    You had better hit the road if you want to be there before it 's dark .

  10. 我现在就出发,免得看不到开头。

    I just set out now , and so as not to do not see the beginning .

  11. 好了你可以沿着海岸骑车过去但你最好现在就出发老兄

    Okay . You can take the shore bike . But you better get going , man .

  12. 孩子:哦,上帝,假如我现在就出发,请你告诉我,我的天使叫什么名字。

    Child : Oh God , if I am about to leave now , please tell me my angel 's name .

  13. 他又轻声问了最后一个问题:“哦,上帝,假如我现在就出发,请你告诉我,我的天使叫什么名字?”

    He asked God one more question , softly , " Oh God , if I am about to leave now , please tell me my angel 's name . "

  14. 还有更多噩耗即将来临:一项意在废除更多环保政策的提案已经提交。所以,如果你想亲眼目睹冰岛闻名于世的天然美景,现在就出发吧。—

    More bad news looms : A law intending to further repeal conservation efforts has been put forward , so if you ever want to see Iceland in all of its famously raw natural beauty , go now . -

  15. 谁都可以来可现在就要出发了

    Look , everybody can come . But we 're leaving now .

  16. 如果我们乘坐5点的火车的话,那我们现在就得出发。

    If we are to take the5:00 train , we must leave now .

  17. 我现在就要出发,以免错过开头部分。

    I 'm going to start now , in order not to miss the beginning .

  18. 嘉莉从《每日新闻》的广告得知了这几家百货公司的名字,现在她就出发去找它们。

    Carrie was familiar with the names of several through the advertisements in the " Daily News ," and now proceeded to seek them .

  19. 问题是现在,马上就要出发了,他却没有了到南海去的欲望。

    The trouble was that now , on the verge of departure , he had no desire to go .