
  • 网络Sunshine of Love;Sun Shine;Love the sun;Sunshine Of Your Love
  1. 你向我播洒爱的阳光。

    You shone the light of love on me .

  2. 在祂爱的阳光下等候会叫我们渐渐成熟,在试炼的黑云下等候也是如此。

    Waiting under the cloud of trial , that breaks in showers of blessings , is as needful .

  3. 祷告是上帝爱的阳光,祷告是永恒的快乐的盼望,祷告是上帝给你我的爱的燃烧的火焰。

    Prayer is the sunshine of God 's love , prayer is hope of eternal happiness , prayer is the burning flame of God 's love for you and for me .

  4. 对于乔·汤普森来说,这个孩子的到来,就相当于家里住进了一个伪装成一个生病、无助、悲惨的孩子的天使,让他沉闷的家中充满了爱的阳光。

    As for Joe Thompson , an angel had come into his house , disguised as a sick , helpless , and miserable child , and filled all its dreary chambers with the sunshine of love .

  5. 我爱灿烂的阳光,却又喜欢夜的静。

    I love the bright sunshine also the silent night .

  6. 爱是冬天的阳光。

    And love is the sunshine in winter .

  7. 你的爱是初春的阳光,是盛夏的清风,是秋天的甘露,是冬夜的星火。

    Your love is the early spring sunlight , is midsummer 's cool breeze , is autumn 's manna , is the winter night spark .