
  1. 科波拉现年71岁,曾撰写并执导了越战题材影片《现代启示录》及1974年的惊悚片《对话》。

    Coppola , 71 , who also wrote and directed the Vietnam War movie " Apocalypse Now " and the1974 thriller " The Conversation ," will receive the Irving Thalberg Memorial Award .

  2. 这幕经典的画面取自电影史上的一部伟大巨作,配乐是瓦格纳歌剧《女武神的飞行》,《现代启示录》(注)是一部史诗电影,故事背景为越战。

    An iconic scene from one of the greatest films of all times , set to the music of Wagner 's Ride of the Valkyriesl , Apocalypse Now was an epic movie set during the Vietnam War .

  3. 在1979年的戛纳电影节上,《铁皮鼓》和《现代启示录》(ApocalypseNow)共同获得了金棕榈奖。

    It shared the Palme d'Or at the 1979 Cannes Film Festival with Apocalypse Now .

  4. 会安的棕榈树,让我联想到《现代启示录》的轰炸场面。

    Palm trees remind me the bombing scenes in Apocalypse Now .

  5. 我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。(《现代启示录》1979)

    11 , I love the smell of napalm in the morning .

  6. 现代启示录上映于1979年,这是一部以越战为背景的美国史诗电影。

    Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film set during the Vietnam War .

  7. 我曾喜欢《现代启示录》。

    I used to like Apocalypse Now .

  8. 影评网“烂番茄”说:现代启示录获得了99%的好评,这简直难以置信。

    On the review website Rotten Tomatoes.com , Apocalypse Now has an incredibly high 99 % rating .

  9. 但是和这篇文章里提到的许多电影一样,《现代启示录》的成功也来之不易。

    But like many of the films featured on this list , it all came at a price .

  10. 哈里森·福特和玛茜森是在1979年拍摄《现代启示录》时相识的,当时哈里森·福特刚刚与首任妻子玛丽·玛卡德离婚。

    The two met on the set of Apocalypse Now in1979.Harrison Ford has two adult sons by his first wife Mary Marquardt , whom he divorced in1979 .

  11. 美国影星马龙·白兰度因心脏病去世,享年80岁。白兰度曾凭借在《崖上风云》、《教父》、《现代启示录》等影片中的出色表演而成为名噪一时的好莱坞巨星。

    Marlon Brando , the star of On the Waterfront , the Godfather and Apocalypse Now , died at the age of80 after suffering for a year with heart problems .

  12. 这位颇有影响力的导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉,因他的杰作——《教父》系列而闻名于世,当然,他1979年的电影作品《现代启示录》也广受称道。

    Although this influential director 's main claim to fame is likely his magnum opus , the Godfather series , Francis Ford Coppola 's 1979 film Apocalypse Now was also highly regarded .

  13. 它给《现代启示录》的拍摄带来了困难,导演弗朗西斯福特科波勒被迫使用菲律宾军队的直升飞机和飞行员,拍摄期间,这些飞机常常起飞去进攻真正的反叛游击队。

    This created difficulties for Apocalypse now , as director Francis Ford Coppola was forced to use helicopters and pilots from the Philippine army , who flew off regularly during filming to attack real-life rebel insurgents .

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