
  1. 我的朋友圈都在扩大。

    Every day my circle of friends is widening .

  2. 我的朋友圈剩得一个人。

    My circle of friends is down to one .

  3. 我的朋友圈不再外出就餐,而是聚在一起烹饪。

    Instead of going out to dinner , my circle of friends has taken to cooking together .

  4. 一位二十出头的匿名伦敦设计师补充说:我的朋友圈里流传着这样一个笑料,他们说每年快到秋天的时候,我就会有一个新男朋友,好像时钟周期一样。

    An anonymous twenty-something London-based designer added : ' It 's a running joke with my friends that every year around autumn time I get a new boyfriend , it 's like clockwork .

  5. 在做出重大决策之前,我通常和我的朋友圈一起吃午饭,以征求他们的意见。

    EXAMPLE : Before making a major business decision , I usually have lunch with my circle of friends so I can ask their opinions .

  6. 京晶:我已经发了,你可以看我的朋友圈。

    I already posted it . You can check my moments .