
  • 网络bloomberg;Bloomberg News;Bloomberg L.P.;Bloomberg LP
  1. 彭博资讯(BloombergLP)旗下的创投基金BloombergBeta已经花了一年时间这么做了。

    Bloomberg Beta , the venture investment arm of Bloomberg LP , has been doing this for a year now .

  2. 她在被捕后对记者们说,她翻译了来自金融新闻和数据提供商彭博资讯(Bloomberg)的一篇文章,然后发布到了网上。

    She told reporters after her arrest that she translated an article from financial news and data provider Bloomberg LP and posted it online .

  3. 在即将成为美国公开上市公司的当口,接受彭博资讯(Bloomberg)调查的分析师对阿里巴巴的整体估值为1980亿美元。

    On the cusp of becoming publicly-traded in the United States , a Bloomberg poll of analysts puts the value of the entire firm at $ 198 billion .

  4. 据彭博资讯(Bloomberg)援引未具名消息人士的话报道,LVMH在爱马仕中的股份将为其带来约30亿欧元的资本收益。

    LVMH stands to make a capital gain of around 3 billion euros on its Herm è s holdings , Bloomberg reported , citing an unnamed source .

  5. 彭博资讯(Bloomberg)11月5日讯&巴拉克·奥巴马在第44届美国总统大选总获胜,作为第一个非洲裔美国人获得这个世界上如此重要的角色,掀开了美国历史崭新的篇章。

    Barack Obama was elected the44th president of the United States , opening a new chapter in the country 's history as the first African-American to hold the world 's most important job .

  6. 彭博资讯公司(BloombergL.P.)管理层发生重大调整:公司创始人迈克尔·R·布隆伯格(MichaelR.Bloomberg)的长期追随者、主编温以乐(MatthewWinkler)的职位,将由《经济学人》(TheEconomist)总编来接替。

    In a major management change at Bloomberg L.P. , Matthew Winkler , the editor in chief and longtime disciple of Michael R. Bloomberg , the company 's founder , is being replaced by the top editor of The Economist .

  7. 只有像布隆伯格那么有钱的人,才能以他这种方式藐视政治党派。由于他创办的金融信息集团彭博资讯(BloombergLP)的成功,他的财产估计高达130亿美元。

    Only someone with Mr Bloom-berg 's wealth - his fortune is estimated as high as $ 13bn , thanks to the success of Bloomberg LP , the financial information group he founded - could flout the political parties the way he has .

  8. 现在,新公司路透-汤姆逊与彭博资讯占有大致相同的市场份额。

    Reuters-Thomson will have roughly the same market share as Bloomberg .

  9. 我相信彭博资讯的报告。

    I believe the Bloomberg report .

  10. 笔者不由得疑惑,如果布隆伯格市长参与彭博资讯的业务,必须要遵守哪些规定。

    So it got me to wondering about the rules that Mayor Bloomberg must follow , when it comes to participating in Bloomberg LP business .

  11. 快乐生活很快结束,他于1981年被迫离开所罗门兄弟,得到了1000万美元的遣散费,他用这笔资金创办了彭博资讯。

    The fun ended briefly when he was forced out of the bank in 1981 with a $ 10m payoff , used to found Bloomberg LP .

  12. 据彭博资讯报道,星巴克计划支持并弘扬中国传统的孝道观念,在老年人晚年时给予相应的安全保障。

    According to Bloomberg , the company aims to uphold the traditional filial piety values in China and give older people the " safety net " as they age .