
  • 网络Ajay Banga
  1. 人们将选择在哪里生活,万事达(MasterCard)总裁及首席执行官彭安杰(AjayBanga)说,资本将跟随人的脚步。

    People will choose where to live , says Ajay Banga , president and chief executive of MasterCard . Capital will follow where people go .

  2. 没有多少公司高管愿意坦承,曾把打扫卫生间作为历练自己的一项内容,但万事达(mastercard)首席执行官彭安杰(ajaybanga)却不是人们通常印象中的公司高管。

    Not many corporate chiefs would admit to having cleaned bathrooms as part of their training , but Ajay Banga , chief executive of MasterCard , is not your typical business leader .

  3. 彭安杰出生于印度,曾在花旗集团(Citigroup)、百事(Pepsi)和雀巢(Nestlé)任职,目前在纽约工作。

    Banga , an Indian-born executive who has worked at Citigroup ( c ) , Pepsi ( PEP ) , and Nestl é , is based in New York .

  4. 为了加快决策流程,彭安杰在合同谈判方面给予了低级别员工更多权限,并创建了新的部门,以便更好地与贝宝(paypal)等在线电子支付系统展开竞争。

    To speed up decision-making , Mr Banga has given lower-level employees more authority to negotiate contracts and has created a new division to better compete with electronic payment systems such as PayPal .

  5. 尽管奔走于全球各地,彭安杰却没有放弃自己的印度传统。

    In spite of his globetrotting , he has not abandoned his Indian heritage .

  6. 彭安杰设法给员工灌输紧迫感,这同样也适用于他本人。

    The urgency Mr Banga is trying to instil in employees also applies to him .

  7. 虽然对他来说,银行业是一个全新的领域,但彭安杰看到了它与经营餐饮业的相似之处。

    Although banking was an entirely different industry , he saw similarities to the restaurant business .

  8. 扮演企业心理学分析师的角色,与彭安杰刚刚起步时的生活有着天壤之别。

    Playing the role of corporate psychoanalyst is a world away from where Mr Banga started .

  9. 13年后,彭安杰签约成为百事餐饮印度区营销主管。

    Thirteen years later , Mr Banga signed on as director of marketing for PepsiCo restaurants in India .

  10. 当彭安杰获悉百事打算剥离其餐饮业务时,认定改变职业生涯的时候到了。

    When he learnt that PepsiCo was planning to spin off its restaurant division , Mr Banga decided it was time for a career change .

  11. 即将年满50的时候,彭安杰开始认真思考自己职业生涯的剩余时间想做些什么。

    With his 50th birthday looming , Mr Banga started to think seriously about what he wanted to do with the rest of his career .

  12. 虽然两人相隔遥远,但两人定期通过电子邮件保持联系,连彭安杰自己都说,他对两人之间通信的频率已经不再做记录了。

    Despite their lack of proximity the two men e-mail each other so regularly that the CEO says he no longer keeps track of how frequently they correspond .

  13. 为了确保万无一失,彭安杰商定了一笔420万美元的签约费,如果万事达未能兑现承诺,这笔钱将归他所有。

    Just to be sure , Mr Banga negotiated a $ 4.2m signing bonus that would have been his if MasterCard failed to make good on its promise .

  14. 因此,当一位猎头深夜把电话打到他香港的家中,询问他是否愿意出任万事达首席营运官时,彭安杰顿时来了兴致。

    So when a headhunter called him at his Hong Kong home late one night to talk about becoming the chief operating officer of MasterCard , he was intrigued .

  15. 本刊一再要求彭安杰评价一下两人之间的关系,但他坚持认为,哈森维特主要是作为他与公司董事会之间的协调者,而不是他个人的盟友。

    When pressed to expand on their relationship , though , Banga insists that haythornthwaite acts chiefly as a facilitator between him and the board & not as his ally .

  16. 性格外向的彭安杰鼓励员工随时光顾他的办公室,谈论从餐厅咖啡质量到国际事务的任何问题,他也会特别直率,这种个性影响到了其他高管。

    An extrovert , who encourages staffers to drop by his office to discuss everything from the quality of the coffee in the cafeteria to world affairs , Mr Banga can also be extremely blunt , a quality that has rubbed off on other executives .