
láo wù hé zuò
  • labor service cooperation;service/business cooperation
  1. 中俄在俄远东地区开展劳务合作的前景

    Prospects of the Sino-Russian labor service cooperation in the Far East

  2. 大力发展具有中国特色的对外劳务合作

    Making Major Efforts to Develop Foreign Labor-Service Cooperation with Chinese Characteristics

  3. 四是对外承包工程和劳务合作迅速发展。

    Fourth , overseas project contracting and labor service have developed swiftly .

  4. 规范发展对外劳务合作。

    We will standardize development of cooperative overseas labor services .

  5. 第三章我国发展国际劳务合作的目标与战略;

    The third part draws outline of the targets and the strategy .

  6. 大力发展对外承包工程和劳务合作;

    To work hard to develop overseas project contracting and labor cooperation ;

  7. 对外劳务合作是实现重庆市富余劳动力就业的战略举措

    Foreign Labour Cooperation be Strategic Move of Chongqing 's Surplus Labour Getting Employment

  8. 国家将出台重要举措发展规范对外承包劳务合作

    Important measures adopted by the state to promote and standardize foreign contracted business

  9. 析吉林省对外劳务合作中存在的问题

    The Problems of Foreign Labor Cooperation in Jilin Province

  10. 2000年我国对外承包工程和劳务合作实绩

    China 's performance of Foreign Contracted Business & labour services in year 2000

  11. 开展建筑业国际工程承包和劳务合作的对策研究

    Countermeasure for developing international engineering contracts and labour collaboration of the building industry

  12. (四)展国际劳务合作和国际旅游业。

    Develop international services cooperation and international tourism .

  13. 新加坡是中国传统对外承包工程和劳务合作市场。

    Singapore is china 's traditional market for contract projects and labor service cooperation .

  14. 建立法治型泛珠区域劳务合作机制的思考

    On Building Law-Guided Labor Cooperation in Pan-Pearl-River-Delta District

  15. 我国的外派劳务合作业务存在着许多问题,亟待进行法律调整。

    Many problems exist in the external business of labor cooperation in our country .

  16. 中国企业积极在非洲开展承包工程和劳务合作。

    China has actively developed contracted engineering project construction and labor cooperation in Africa .

  17. 这些都说明,利用对外劳务合作转移农村劳动力是可行的。

    All of these make it feasible to transfer rural labor by foreign labor cooperation .

  18. 开展对外承包和劳务合作,增加外汇收入。增加外汇收入与回笼货币;

    Develop contract construction and labor cooperation abroad to increase the income of foreign exchange .

  19. 入世与我国的对外劳务合作

    WTO and Chinese Foreign Labor Service cooperation

  20. 金融危机背景下我国国际工程承包与劳务合作的战略取向分析

    Strategic Orientation Analysis of International Project Contract and Labor Cooperation for China under Financial Crisis

  21. 一方面有利于开拓国际工程承包和劳务合作,使建筑业获得更多的向国外市场进军的机会;

    It will benefit Chinese companies to exploit the international project contract and the service cooperation .

  22. 大力发展国际劳务合作

    Develop Energetically International Labour Service Cooperation

  23. 对外劳务合作。

    Foreign labor service cooperation .

  24. 对外承包工程和劳务合作:对外服务贸易领域继续拓展。

    Foreign contracted projects and labor service cooperation : Foreign services and trade continued expanding to new fields .

  25. 外派劳务合作作为我国对外经济合作的重要组成部分,每年向国外输出劳务人员的数量迅速增加,为中国融入世界劳务市场起到了举足轻重的作用。

    As an important part of China foreign economic trade , the Chinese laborers to the world increase rapidly .

  26. 行业中存在的问题日益突出,制约了我国对外劳务合作事业的进一步发展。

    Today , more and more problems and issues have restricted the development of Chinese overseas labor service cooperation .

  27. 陈健说,对外劳务合作是我国对外经贸合作的重要内容。

    Foreign labor cooperation is an important part of our international economic cooperation , Chen was quoted as saying .

  28. 我国一些农村在对外劳务合作方面也进行了尝试,并取得了良好的效果。

    Some rural areas in China have tried to develop foreign labor cooperation and have made a good effect .

  29. 东北亚区域合作的开展形成了区域内国际劳务合作的多种形式。

    The development of regional cooperation in Northeast Asia helps to form various kinds of regional cooperation of labor force .

  30. 外派劳务合作对我国国际服务贸易的发展起到了积极的作用。

    The cooperation of service dispatched abroad plays an important role in the development of international service trade in China .