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  1. (十二)将已经发表的作品改成盲文出版。

    ( 12 ) transliteration of a published work into Braille and publication of the work so transliterated .

  2. 《为奴十二年》将于2013年12月27日上映。

    12 Years A Slave releases on December 27th , 2013 .

  3. 这个孤独的十二岁男孩将妈妈遗留下来的项链作为自己的护身符,他渴望得到一个年长一些的女性的同情和关爱甚至是只比他大两岁的女性。

    The lonely 12-year-old , clinging to his mother 's necklace as a talisman , is aching for the sympathetic company of an older woman even two years older .

  4. 杂志的内容总监科里·琼斯说,花花公子将变的更易得、更亲切,并承认如果自己重返十二岁,将对现在的自己很失望。但是这么改变是正确的。

    The chief content officer of the magazine , Cory Jones , said the magazine would be more accessible and more intimate , admitting : " Twelve-year-old me is very disappointed in current me . But it 's the right thing to do . "

  5. 如果您地图出十二生肖那么您将有良好的财富在您的未来。

    If you map out the Zodiac then you will have good fortune in your future .

  6. 巴西馆将在十二月份尽可能将所有的参赛作品陈列于万国博览会现代艺术馆供大众观赏。

    During December we will be exhibiting as many entries as possible at the World 's Fair Museum of Modern Art .

  7. 把一日分为十六时的来源尚不清楚,把一日分为十二时则是将十二支引入记时系统的结果。

    The reason of a day divided into sixteen times is not clear , and divided into twelve parts is the result of introduce the twelve branches to the time system .