
shí yí yuè
  • November;November (缩写 Nov.);Nov.;the eleventh month of the lunar year
十一月 [shí yī yuè]
  • [November (缩写 Nov.)] 格里历[即阳历]每年的第十一个月

十一月[shí yí yuè]
  1. 十一月气温下降,白天变短。

    In November the temperatures drop and the days shorten .

  2. 这个队抢在十一月最后期限前拼命工作。

    The team worked feverishly to the November deadline .

  3. 已经是十一月底了,天色十分阴暗。

    It was the end of November and the day was very cheerless .

  4. 亚伯拉罕·林肯总统在内战期间颁布了一项公告,将这个节日时间定在十一月最后一个星期四。

    President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War , issued a proclamation setting aside the last Thursday in November for the holiday .

  5. 他去年十一月开始在这里工作。

    He started work here last November .

  6. 截至去年十一月,该秘书处分处处理的区内仲裁个案有120宗

    By November last year , it was administering 120 arbitrations that were conducted in the region .

  7. 1939年,罗斯福总统将感恩节的正式日期改为十一月的倒数第二个星期四而不是最后一个星期四。

    In 1939 , President Roosevelt changed the official date of Thanksgiving to the second-to-last Thursday in November instead of the last .

  8. 我敢说你不知道在罗斯福当总统那时,感恩节其实是在十一月的最后一个星期四。

    I bet you didn 't know that back in the day when FDR was president , Thanksgiving was actually the last Thursday of November .

  9. 不过很多人都无法摆脱传统的感恩节日期,所以罗斯福就签署一项法案来将感恩节正式变成十一月的第四个星期四。

    Many people were stuck in their traditions , however , so Roosevelt signed a bill to officially make Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November .

  10. 根据《网络程序》,IE浏览器的使用量(或市场份额,如果你非要用这个词)在十一月降至69.77%。

    According to Net Apps , Internet Explorer usage ( market share , if you must insist ) dropped to 69.77 percent in November .

  11. 十一月的某一天黎明拂晓之际,我去沃尔玛超市(Wal-Mart)观察一下美国梦的阴暗面,回家的时候,带回了圣诞节的彩灯。

    I went to Wal-Mart the other day to gaze on the dark side of the American dream-and I came home with Christmas lights .

  12. 二○○一年十一月中国加入WTO之后,全球各大跨国公司更大规模地进入中国市场,不仅在产品和服务市场上,而且在人才市场上与国有企业进行抢夺。

    As China 's entry to WTO in 2001 , more and more large-scale multi-corporations in the world have entered into China 's market , and grab talents with state-owned enterprises both in production and service market .

  13. 对于苹果将在本周发布的惊喜之作,揭秘工作在去年十一月就开始了,当时离iPhone6s发布、并在第一个周末热卖过去不到三个月。

    The long road to unraveling this week 's surprises began in November , less than three months after the iPhone 6s had debuted to gangbuster first-weekend sales .

  14. Samhain节说明夏天结束或者十一月,是一个丰收的节日。

    Samhain signifies " summers end " or November .

  15. 告别了《八卦天后》(GossipGirl),莉顿·梅斯特(LeightonMeester)的宣传活动依旧不断。近日她登上了《Flaunt》杂志十一月号。

    Taking a break from her " Gossip Girl " duties , Leighton Meester pitched in on promotions by covering the November 2012 issue of Flaunt magazine .

  16. 十一月十四日我向你办公室在Lille国际博览会上提供的服务提交了帐单。

    On 14 November I submitted a bill for services rendered to your office at the Lille International Exposition .

  17. 价格稍后回升,因为有牛市新闻公布,OPEC会将十一月会议推至下周,预期会公布减小产量。

    Prices recovered later in the trading session as bullish news arrived via OPEC who are bringing their November meeting forward to next week and the expectation is they will announce product cuts .

  18. 该公司计划于明年十一月将TeleScouter投放市场,不过最初的产品将不具备翻译功能。

    The company plans to launch the Tele Scouter in Japan in November next year , although initially without the translation mode .

  19. 珍妮杰克逊出演了有泰勒·佩里所导演《ForColoredGirls》,改编自小说《'ForColoredGirlsWhoHaveConsideredSuicideWhentheRainbowIsEnuf》,电影将于十一月五日登陆院线。

    Janet Jackson is starring in the Tyler Perry-directed ' For Colored Girls , ' which is an adaptation of the book , ' For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf . ' It is due in theaters on Nov. 5 .

  20. 一九八八年十一月,本宣言的最终稿首次由CBMW在伊利诺亚州的惠顿市发布。

    It was first published in final form by the CBMW in Wheaton , Illinois in November of1988 .

  21. 在祈祷朝圣者填写的街道,近Namira在阿拉法特,沙特阿拉伯周一,二○一○年十一月十五日清真寺。

    Pilgrims fill the streets in prayer , near Namira mosque in Arafat , Saudi Arabia on Monday , Nov.15,2010 .

  22. 去年十一月,大家也曾呼吁伊万卡清除“梦想法案”,保护移民儿童,允许他们在童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划(DACA)的保护下留在美国。

    Last November , they called on her to support the clean DREAM Act to protect immigrant children who are allowed to remain in this country under DACA .

  23. 在秋季,有九月,十月和十一月。

    In fall , there are September , October and November .

  24. 到了十一月的时候,天气开始变寒冷。

    As they entered November , the weather turned very cold .

  25. 秋天将会是九月,十月和十一月之王。

    Autumn will be king in September , October and November .

  26. 十一月是感恩的季节,细数神所赐的丰盛恩典。

    November is for thanksgiving , count God 's bounteous graces .

  27. 外公是去年十一月底去世的。

    My grandpa passed away around the end of last november .

  28. 而最佳的游览时期是十一月中旬。

    The best time for sightseeing tour is middle of November .

  29. 它于十一月募集了超过2亿美元的资金。

    It raised more than 200 million U.S. dollars in November .

  30. 感恩节通常在十一月最后的星期四。

    Thanksgiving Day is usually on the last Thursday in November .