
  1. 通过对天津十一经路立交桥连续曲线钢筋混凝土箱梁的纠偏加固设计,为此类工程提供了实践经验。

    The design of deviation rectifying and stabilizing on block curved reinforced concrete box girders of Shi-Yi-Jing Rd Grade Separation in Tianjin provides practical experiences for constructions of this kind .

  2. 莫高窟第14窟十一面观音经变

    On Eleven faced Avalokitesvara in Cave 14 the Mogao Grottoes

  3. (十一)未经主管部门批准,在街道上搭棚、盖房、摆摊、堆物或者有其他妨碍交通行为的。

    ( 11 ) blocking traffic by putting up shelters , building houses , setting up stalls , piling up goods or conducting other operations without approval of the appropriate department .