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  • 网络tenth;tenth digit
  1. 这些复合终点的5年危险性在危险性最低的十分位患者为4%,而在危险性最高的十分位患者为35%。

    The five year risk of this composite ranged from 4 % for patients in the lowest tenth of risk to 35 % for patients in the highest tenth .

  2. 小数点后的头两位数分别表示十分位和百分位

    The first twofigures after the decimal point indicate tenths and hundredthsrespectively .

  3. 研究人员指出,当血糖采用十分位值检测时,这些研究结果是相同的。

    The results were similar when glucose levels were examined by decile , the researchers note .

  4. 采用重叠抽样方法研究了形成期和持有期相同情况下十分位组合的收益特性。

    Analysis also unfolds income characters of equally weighted deciles portfolios when developing period coincides with holding period with method of overlapping sampling .

  5. 小数,每相邻2个单位之间的进率都是10。小数点右边第一位是十分位,第2位是百分位。

    Fraction , The entering of of2 each close together units all of rates is10.The decimal point right side first is very , the2nd is100 cents .

  6. 我们大家都感到十分惊异,位先生也把头伸到前而,竖起耳朵来听。

    A thrill passed over all of us . The three Mr. Mumbles bent forward and listened eagerly .

  7. 据说一位皇帝十分赞赏一位能工巧匠做的一个精致的蝈蝈笼。

    It is said one of the emperors admired a particularly intricate grasshopper cage , one of his craftsman had constructed .

  8. 我们十分感谢你们二位的到来

    We appreciate you both coming in .

  9. 尽管当前国内经济增速和企业利润率都十分可观,两位市长竞选人还是揪住了百姓生活成本激增和就业环境恶化两项经济颓势不放。

    Both mayoral candidates tapped into popular unease at rising living costs and weak job security , despite good economic growth and impressive corporate profits .

  10. 在中国历史上,如此年轻的官员掌握这么大权力的情况十分罕见,一位驻北京的资深投资银行家哀叹道。

    Rarely in Chinese history has so much power been in the hands of such young bureaucrats , laments one veteran investment banker based in Beijing .

  11. TCP/IP协议栈是一个庞大并且十分复杂的协议族,对于片上资源和处理速度都十分有限的8位微处理器来说,实现整个协议是不可能的,所以要对它进行精简。

    Both of them have been introduced in this paper . TCP / IP protocol is a huge and complicated protocol . As the limited resource and slow processing speed of 8-bit microprocessor , it is impossible to implement the whole protocol .