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  • Solvable;have a solution
  1. 你可以认为所有给定的输入都有解。

    You may assume that the input you are given does have a solution .

  2. 一个关于Fuzzy关系方程是否有解的等价判别定理

    An Equivalent Distinguishing Theorem about Whether There Is Any Solution on Fuzzy Relation Equation

  3. Fuzzy矩阵的Ⅲ型方程当指数为1时有解的判定定理

    Decision Theorems That Equation Type ⅲ of Fuzzy Matrix Has a Solution When Index Is One

  4. 欧氏环R上的线性方程组有解的充要条件及其解的结构

    The system of linear equations on Euclidean Ring

  5. 定理1对任意的矩阵A∈C~(n×n),方程(1)总是有解。

    Theorem 1 Eq. ( 1 ) has a solution for any A ∈ C ~ ( n × n ) .

  6. 结果表明:若该H∞状态反馈控制问题有解,则原系统可以通过状态反馈实现鲁棒镇定。

    The results show that if the solution of the H_ ∞ control problem exists , the original system can be robustly stabilized by a state feedback control .

  7. 本文直接利用摄动方法得到该问题有解充要条件,并讨论降阶H∞控制器设计的可能性。

    The existence conditions are derived directly via the perturbation approach . Then the possibility of designing a reduced-order H_ ∞ controller for the perfect measurement case is addressed .

  8. 还给出了代数Riccati方程有解的频率判据。

    The frequency criterion for the solvability of an algebraic Riccati equation is also derived .

  9. 对n×n棋盘上的骑士旅游问题进行了研究,证明了猜想:当n≥5且为偶数时,以任意点作为初始点都有解。

    In this paper , the knight-tour problem on n by n chessboard is further studied . The existence of Hamiltonian circuit is shown when n ≥ 5 and is even .

  10. 然后基于支路潮流分析,由电压的二次方程有解条件提出了一种电压稳定指标&LSI(LineStabilityIndex)。

    After that , the dissertation proposed a new voltage stability index LSI ( Line Stability Index ) based on branch power flow . It is proposed by using the discriminant of the quadratic of voltage .

  11. 由于广义控制对象满足一定前提条件时H∞鲁棒控制问题才有解,因此分别采用双线性变换和双回路控制进行处理,同时适当选择加权函数。

    Because the controller will exist only when the augmented plant meets some preconditions , it was solved via the bilinear transform and double-loop control , and choosing suitable weighting functions .

  12. 以简单方法导出奇异H∞控制问题的有解条件,此方法可用来构造降阶H∞控制器。

    Existence conditions for singular H_ ∞ control problem are derived in a simple method , and the result can be used to construct a reduced-order H_ ∞ controller for some cases .

  13. 利用构造的Lyapunov函数和线性矩阵不等式,证明并给出了模糊H∞鲁棒控制问题有解的充分条件。

    A sufficient condition for the solvability of the fuzzy H_ ∞ robust control problem was presented and proved by a proper Lyapunov function and linear matrix inequality .

  14. 通过方程组是否有解,给出了m×n阶Cauchy型矩阵左逆及右逆的一种求逆公式。

    A formula of the left-inverse and right-inverse for an m × n Cauchy-type matrix is given if the solution of the linear system can be gotten .

  15. 讨论了n阶完全四角问题和n阶不全四角问题是否有解以及解是否唯一,得到了如下结果:3阶完全四角问题有唯一解;

    A discussion is made of the n-order complete four angles problem , whether the n-order incomplete four angles problem has a solution and whether the solution , if there is any , is unique .

  16. 在此基础上,证明了一个SAT问题有解的充要条件,它为SAT问题完全算法和非完全快速算法的深入研究提供了一条新的思路。

    Based on the sufficient and necessary condition for SAT problem , a new idea is provided for further study of the complete algorithm and non_complete fast algorithm of SAT problem .

  17. 通过分析平面切口问题的Williams特征方程的有解区间,使用分区加速lleruM&法依序无漏地计算了平面V型切口特征值。

    Following the analysis to the existence intervals of the Williams equations , the subregion accelerated lleruM & method is used to calculate the eigenvalues of plane notch problems .

  18. 本文利用高等代数中矩阵初等变换的知识,给出n元整系数一次不定方程有解的充要条件及解的一般表达式。

    By means of elementary transform of Matrix in Higher Algebra , the article introduces the necessary and sufficient conditions for a solution to uncertain equations with N unknowns and integral coefficients as well as its general formula .

  19. 实际意义下n-D单边矩阵方程有解的充要条件

    Necessary and sufficient solvability conditions of Nd unilateral matrix equation in practical sense

  20. 本文还证明了:如果一个合适的Riccati方程或者一个Riccati方程的集合有解的话,那么该不确定模糊动态系统是二次稳定的。

    It is shown that the uncertain fuzzy dynamic system can be stabilized if a suitable Riccati equation or a set of Riccati equations has solutions .

  21. 讨论了D对称非负定矩阵反问题解和算法,给出了D对称非负定矩阵反问题有解条件的判别以及求解的MATLAB程序。

    Solution and algorithm of inverse problem for D-symmetric nonnegative definite matrices are discussed . The thesis also proposes the criteria for the conditions of D-symmetric nonnegative definite matrix and the MATLAB Program , a solution to these problems .

  22. 本文导出该问题有解的充分而且必要的条件,然后分析H∞次优控制器的结构,并在此基础上提出两阶段设计过程。其次,奇异摄动系统的H∞控制问题。

    A set of necessary and sufficient existence conditions for the problem is derived . Then the structure of the H_ ∞ sub-optimal controller is analyzed , and a two-stage controller design procedure is proposed . Second , H_ ∞ control for singularly perturbed linear systems .

  23. 利用基于度理论的不动点定理,本文给出了Banach空间中n阶常微分方程初值及边值问题有解的某些充分条件。

    In this paper , by using certain fixed points theorem based on the degree theory , some sufficient conditions for the solutions ′ existence of initial and boundary value problems for n order ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces are given .

  24. 在螺位错芯区外,其应力场与Volterra位错的应力场完全一样,而在芯区内,当ρ趋于零时,螺位错的应力场是有解的。

    Outside the core , the stresses are the same as that of Volterra dislocation , but inside the core , the stresses of the screw dislocation approach zero when ρ goes to zero .

  25. 利用全纯向量函数边值问题有解的充分必要条件,本文给出了二维各向异性弹性力学Stroh理论中的几个边值问题的解答。

    Sing the necessary and sufficient condition of the boundary value problem of holomorphic vector function , several problems in two dimension anisotropic elasticity are solved .

  26. 针对监控系统软件可靠性分析的实时性和求解高效性,通过对各类软件可靠性模型的比较,采用J-M模型并对其进行了理论推导和有解无解分析。

    In accordance with the real time ability and problem solving efficiency , the J M model is adopted in reliability measurement of supervisory systems after having compared different software reliability models .

  27. 本文利用Yokoyama中标准形与系统传递函数阵间的直接对应关系,用构造性方法给出了带纯放大环节的方线性系统稳定解耦问题有解的充分必要条件。

    Using the direct relationship between Yokoyama canonical form and transfer ' function matrix , we give a sufficient and necessary condition for the stable decoupling of square linear system with direct feedthrough by using the constructure approach .

  28. 本文研究了局部凸空间上的r-凸映射所确定的Farkas集的r-凸性质,及其与空间原点的连续分离性,得到了一类与r-凸映射有关的极值问题有解的充要条件。

    In this paper , the r-convexity of Farkas set of some two r-convex mappings on a locally convex toplogical space , is studied . And the property of continuously spliting between original point and the Farkas set is also discussed .

  29. 线性矩阵方程的有解条件和解的结构

    Solution conditions of linear matrix equation and structure of solution

  30. 特殊子空间上矩阵方程有解的判定

    On the Conditions for Solving a Matrix Equation in Special Partial Space