
  1. 如果你已经有琴了,那么你还需要投资做一些日常养护如调音,以使钢琴保持一个良好的工作状态。

    If you do have a piano , you need to invest the money required to keep it tuned and in good working order .

  2. 你最近有没有琴。史丹福的信?

    Have you heard from Jean Stafford lately ?

  3. 此时期的九篇琴赋中有对琴诸多方面的描述,具有很高的音乐史料研究价值。

    Nine odes to Qin composed during this period pictured Qin , which were of high value of research on music history .

  4. 揭西是我国最集中的电子琴生产基地之一,有电子琴生产企业几十家;

    Jiexi is the production base specialized in the most electric piano , there are several dozens of production enterprises of electric piano ;

  5. 晚清英语教学使用的方法主要有别琴英语学习法、语法翻译教学法以及古安系列直接教学法。

    English teaching methods dominating in Late Qing Dynasty included Pidgin English Method , the Grammar-Translation Method and the Gouin Series Direct Method .

  6. 那时北京有二十多家琴行,她就一家一家上门去应聘。

    There were more than twenty piano companies in Beijing at that time , and she applied for a position as a temporary employee .

  7. 车厢里有一只吉他琴匣。

    In'the truck box was a guitar case .

  8. 我所知道的就是它是圆形的,当你弹奏它时会发出不同的音符,有点像电子琴。

    All I know is that it was round and when you touched it , it played different notes , sort of like a keyboard .

  9. 有一次,琴奎茨把参加一场派对的所有美女送到圣特罗佩购物游,并给每人两千英镑。

    On one occasion Mr Tchenguiz sent all the girls at one party with £ 2000 spending money each to go on a shopping trip in St Tropez .

  10. 我手上的这把二胡是一把有故事有灵性的琴,我今天把它拿出来捐赠给灾区群众。

    The Erhu in my hand is one of my favioute . It 's very meaningful to me . Today , I put it out donated to people in the disaster areas .

  11. 当他在事业达到巅峰的时候,有一天陪同他的父亲,到一家高贵的餐厅用餐,现场有一位琴艺不凡的小提琴手正在为大家演奏。

    When his career reached its peak , he had lunch in a noble restaurant with his father at one day , where an extraordinary violinist was playing .