
yǒu xiào miàn jī
  • Effective area;active area
  1. 该滤波器采用0·18μMCMOS工艺制造,它所占用芯片的有效面积仅为150μm×200μm。

    The filter was fabricated in 0.18 μ m CMOS technology , and the circuit occupied an active area of only 150 μ m × 200 μ m.

  2. 在旁插自焙槽中,阳极拔棒出形成的孔洞,造成阳极实际有效面积达不到设计面积,使阳极电流密度发生变化,造成电解槽不稳定。

    In horizontal stud soderberg cells , the void volume the pulling of contact studs cause makes the effectively active area on the anode less thau the projected plan area , which makes anode current density varying and causes instability of cells .

  3. 非零色散位移大有效面积光纤在DWDM系统中的应用

    The application of non zero dispersion shifted large effective area fiber in DWDM telecommunication systems

  4. VXI在红外探测器有效面积测试中的应用

    VXI Applied in Testing the Effective-area of Infrared Detector

  5. 但是,现有的大有效面积光纤(LEAF)存在着零色散斜率高、对弯曲敏感等问题,对于陆上应用并不理想,最适于海缆应用。

    But present large effective area fibers ( LEAF ) still have some problems with higher zero dispersion slope and bending sensitivity , it is not ideal for terrestrial application and it is best for submarine cables .

  6. 发动机进气通路的非线性环节主要包括节气门有效面积和容积效率两部分,本文分别采用了改进的BP网络和RBF网络对二者进行辨识。

    As for the nonlinear part of intake manifold subsystem , such as effective throttle area and volume efficiency , modified BP neural network and RBF neural network are used for identification respectively .

  7. 本文介绍了一个有效面积为20×20cm的二维位置灵敏多丝正比室。

    A position sensitive multiwire proportional chamber with effective area of 20 × 20cm2 is described in this paper .

  8. 结果表明:通过调节PCF的结构参量,可以设计大有效面积PCF,用于高功率传输和制作光纤激光器;

    The result shows that the big effective area of PCF used in transmitting the high power and manufacturing fiber-optic laser can be designed by changing the PCF structure parameter .

  9. 并在实验测试的基础上,验证了ITU-T文件中有关光纤有效面积与模场直径间的关系。

    Based on the results , we have proved the relationship between fibers ' effective area and mode field diameter , that is supplied by the ITU T Recommendation .

  10. 设计并采用PCVD工艺制造了大有效面积非零色散位移光纤(LAPOSH光纤)。

    Design and manufacture the large effective area non zero dispersion shifted fiber ( LAPOSH Fiber ) using PCVD technology .

  11. 本文从实际出发,以负载曲线和比例阀空载流量为条件,导出以功耗最小为指标的系统参数:A(变量油缸活塞有效面积)与Qm(比例换向阀空载流量)最佳匹配计算公式。

    This article considers the real condition , leads out the system 's parameters ' ( a & . Qm ) best matching calculational formula which can make the power consumption least in the condition of the load curse and the proportional valve 's no-load flow .

  12. 方法运用燃料电池测试站对有效面积为4cm×4cm的PEM燃料电池单体的性能和功率密度进行了实验测试。

    The performance and power density of PEM fuel cells , whose effective reaction area is 4 cm × 4 cm , are tested by fuel cell test station .

  13. 采用有限元法对任意折射率剖面光纤的有效面积(Aeff)和校正因子k进行了精确计算,并首次系统地计算和讨论了决定光纤折射率剖面的各个结构参数与Aeff的关系。

    The effective core area and correction factor k of optical fiber having arbitrary refractive index profile are numerically calculated with finite element method in this paper .

  14. 采用磁控溅射方法在有效面积为10mm×10mm、厚度为100nm的Si3N4基底上镀制了Mo/Si多层膜,制成了多层膜分束镜。

    The beam splitters , which are Mo / Si multilayer deposited on 10 mm × 10 mm area , 100 nm thickness Si_3N_4 membranes , are fabricated using the magnetron sputtering .

  15. 实验结果表明,防护网与放射源之间的电阻(或电位)、距离以及网眼的有效面积都影响~(210)Po静电消除器的电离效率。

    The results obtained in the experiment show that the electric potential ( or resistance ) and distance between the protection gauze and radioactive source as well as the mesh space of the protection gauze are important to ionization efficiency of the ~ ( 210 ) Po static eliminator .

  16. 为了进一步提高系统容量和改善系统性能,我们利用外气相沉积(OVD)工艺,设计并制作了大有效面积非零色散位移光纤,称为康宁LEAFTM光纤。

    To further increase system capacity and improve system performance , we have designed and fabricated non zero dispersion shifted large effective area fiber ( LEAF TM ) using the Outside Vapor Deposition ( OVD ) technique .

  17. 研制的高压微型砷化镓太阳电池在1cm2面积内串联了118个电池单元,每个电池单元有效面积为500μm×400μm。

    Developed high voltage GaAs solar cell has 118 series-connection cell unit in 1 cm2 , an effective area of a cell unit is 500 μ m × 400 μ m.

  18. 膜电极有效面积为9cm2的的液相进样直接甲醇/氧气燃料电池三电池电堆的最大功率为0.285W,此时输出电压为0.7V,输出电流为0.407A;

    The maximum power of liquid-feed direct methanol / oxygen three-cell stack , where available MEA area was 9 mm2 , was 0.285W , and its output voltage and current was 0.7V and 0.407A respectively .

  19. 0.05级活塞压力计活塞有效面积测量不确定度评定

    Appraisal of Useful Measuring Area Uncertainty to 0.05 Class Piston Manometer

  20. 带硬芯膜片的应力、刚度和有效面积的计算

    Calculation of stress stiffness and effective area of diaphragm with hardpan

  21. 光纤有效面积与结构参数的关系

    The Relation between Optical Fiber Effective Area and Various Structural Parameters

  22. 燃气调压器波纹型薄膜有效面积的计算

    Calculation of Effective Area for Wave Type Diaphragm of Gas Regulator

  23. 液压式标准测力机的有效面积和压力波动

    Effective Area and Pressure Fluctuation of the Hydraulic Standard Force Machine

  24. 光纤的有效面积是评价单模光纤性能指标的一个重要参数。

    The effective area is an important parameter of single mode fiber .

  25. 大有效面积非零色散位移光纤在长距离大容量系统中的应用

    LEAF TM Optical Fiber for High Capacity Long Distance Systems

  26. 电信建筑的有效面积利用率和交通组织

    Effective Area Utilization Rate and Traffic Arrangement of Telecommunication Buildings

  27. 单模光纤有效面积及其测试方法

    Effective area of single-mode optical fiber and its test methods

  28. 橡胶膜片有效面积的测定及其影响因素

    Determination and the Influence Factors of the Effective Area of Rubber Film

  29. 药物制剂药时曲线下的有效面积

    Effective area under drug concentration-time curve for pharmaceutical preparation

  30. 研究湿地有效面积对暴雨径流调控作用的多因子模型

    Multi-factor model for analyzing the regulation effect of wetland area on storm runoff