
  1. 每一次有商学院把他们的M.B.A.项目修改得更符合现实,你都会发现一个强势的院长,他或她的视野与信念能够超越学校的既得利益。

    In every case where business schools have changed their M.B.A. programs to reflect the real world , you will find a strong dean whose vision and conviction have triumphed over academic entitlements .

  2. 而在银行事务、账单支付和投资决策方面,我们俩也是有商有量。

    We also both handle the banking , bill paying and investment decisions .

  3. 有商学院、理学院、工学院和文学院。

    They are colleges of Trade and Commerce , Science , Engineering , and Literature .

  4. 在这纷繁的多边外交活动中,目前一切都看起来平静、合理、有商有量。

    In this bustle of multilateral diplomatic activity , all seems calm , reasonable and transactional for now .

  5. 但我们不是有商学院吗?你不是在鼓励我进商学院拿博士学位吗?

    But don 't we have business schools ? Aren 't you encouraging me to go to business school for my master 's degree ?

  6. 很少有商学院会面临企业走向全球过程中遇到的那些更为棘手的问题,例如供应链中的雇用童工现象。

    Few schools are likely to face the more intractable problems associated with the global footprint of business , such as encountering child labour in the supply chain .

  7. 有商一代,方国林立,商作为天下共主,除了用武力维持其统治地位之外,婚姻也是一重要手段。

    There are many countries in the Shang Dynasty , and Shang is the " Lord of the world . " In addition to the use of force to maintain its dominant position , the marriage is an important tool .

  8. 我的意思是,真的,我是宾夕法尼亚大学的学生,我有商学位,但是我从来没在这里干对过什么事,但是你比我大50岁,耳朵还不好。

    I mean , totally . I graduated from Penn . I have a business degree . But I never seem to do anything right around here . And you 're like 50 years older than me and you 're deaf .

  9. 有商一代是中国历史上的绝对神权时代,巫觋是当时国家政治生活的统治者,是经济生活的指导者、支配者,还是文化的创造者与传承者。

    Shang Dynasty is of absolute religious authority in the history of China , when the shaman is the ruler of the political life , the instructor and dominator in the economic life , and also the creator and successor of culture .

  10. 第五章:从政治统治、思想认识、商民族起源地以及夏商文化的传承关系等四个方面对有商一代巫风炽盛的原因作一探讨。

    Chapter 5 : It discuss about the reason why the shaman was so popular in Shang Dynasty from four aspects : political government , ideological understanding , the original place of Shang Nation and the successive relationship between the culture of Xia Dynasty and Shang Dynasty .

  11. 不仅有伦敦商学院(londonbusinessschool)等院校开始在中东地区授课,还有越来越多的学生从中东前往欧洲求学。

    Not only have schools such as London Business School begun offering programmes there , but more students are travelling from the region to study in Europe .

  12. 目前在中国国内认可的院校有中欧商学院、上海交通大学以及弗拉瑞克-鲁汶-根特管理学院VlerickLeuven-Gent北京分校。

    The recognising institutions in China currently include : China Europe International Business School , Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ( Beijing ) .

  13. 印孚瑟斯过去有与商学院密切合作的经历吗?

    Has Infosys worked closely with business schools in the past ?

  14. 而山东、辽宁则无处不有韩商的影子。

    In Shandong and Liaoning , Korean businessmen are everywhere .

  15. 美国各种报纸和杂志上都有生产商提供的现金反还券和折扣券。

    A manufacture 's discount coupons appear in all American newspapers and magazines .

  16. 目前学界对汉语语法变换分析的探源研究似有可商之处。

    The investigation on the method of transformation analysis in Chinese grammar seems to correct .

  17. 我们也在其他地方有购买商,比如北加州的西海岸。

    We also have some ventures from others at the western coast in the Northern California .

  18. 这里有印度商馆,中国商馆,爪哇商馆,等等。

    There was the Indian quarter , the Chinese quarter , the Javanese quarter , and others .

  19. 前来看货的有古董商,收藏家,设计师,客栈主人和一些好奇的寻宝人。

    Antique dealers , collectors , designers , inn keepers and curiosity seekers come to check out the offerings .

  20. 后来,一个朋友告诉她邻城里有杂货商以黑市形式出售巧克力。

    Then a friend had told her of a grocer in the next town who sold chocolate under the counter .

  21. 医生们联名呼吁彻底封杀酒类广告,他们希望这类广告不再出现在快乐时光,各类音乐和体育盛事都不再有酒商赞助商。

    Doctors have called for a total ban on alcohol advertising , including happy hours and sponsorship of music and sporting events .

  22. 很少有哪个商学院课程能在参与者心中唤起宗教复兴聚会的那种热忱。

    It is a rare business school programme that invokes in its participants a similar fervour to that experienced in a revivalist religious meeting .

  23. 很少有几个商学院教授能说,的研究对普通人的生活方式有实质性的影响。

    There are few business school professors that can say their research has had a real impact on the way ordinary people live their lives .

  24. 人们买加盟生意的另一个原因是,往往与加盟商有供商合作协议和被实践证实有效的系统指导你做什么和不做什么。

    It is also one of the reasons people buy franchises ; they usually come with supplier agreements and a proven system of what works and what doesn 't.

  25. 《汉语大词典》虽是迄今为止国内外质量最高的一部大型语文词典,但个别词目的释义仍有可商订之处。

    Although Chinese Dictionary is a big sized Chinese dictionary of highest quality in China and abroad so far , some explanations of some specific words still need consultations .

  26. 本文在对市场微观结构理论进行综述基础上,发现现有研究主要集中于有做市商且交易者完全理性的交易机制。

    The author finds current research mainly focuses on the study of the trading mechanism with market maker and full rational traders , based on the survey of the market microstructure theory .

  27. 进军医疗保险领域的公司既有制药商康美药业,也有体检连锁机构美年大健康,甚至还有地产开发商苏宁环球集团和开发网络游戏的大连宙斯娱乐集团。

    Companies venturing into health insurance range from drug manufacturer Kangmei Pharmaceutical Co and physical check-up chain Meinian Onehealth Healthcare Holdings Co to even property developer Suning Universal Co and Dalian Zeus Entertainment Group Co , which develops online games .

  28. 确定你有使用注册商提供的LOCK锁定功能。

    Make use of registrar locks over which you have control .

  29. 每隔一周似乎就会有一所商学院宣布新推出在线MBA课程。

    Every other week , a new business school seems to be announcing the launch of yet another cyber-mba program .

  30. 有5所商校是首次上榜定制课程排行榜,其中排名最高的是排在第45位的田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校(UniversityofTennesseeatKnoxville)。

    Five schools were ranked for the first time , with the highest new entrant , the University of Tennessee at Knoxville , entering in 45th place .