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  1. 市面上有教人如何使用Mac电脑的用户界面和操作系统的用户指南吗?

    Is there a tutorial somewhere on how to use the Mac user interface and operating system ?

  2. 他们在c.i.a.有教你这个吗?

    Did they teach you that in the c.i.a. ?

  3. 每种文化都有教人追求美的意识。

    Every culture nurtures ideas of beauty towards which people strive .

  4. 有教你如何制造核弹的书籍

    There 's books about how to build a nuclear bomb .

  5. 黛儿,你有教他那样说吗?

    Del , did you tell him to say that ?

  6. 学校有教男生学烹调的开明政策。

    The school has an enlightened policy of teaching boys to cook .

  7. 家庭有教孩子适应社会的重要作用。

    The family has the important function of socializing children .

  8. 我是说,你有教过人吗?

    I mean , have you ever taught anyone before ?

  9. 对教育有教深刻的理解并能接受不同的文化;

    Has a understanding and respect for different cultures .

  10. 进化史如果有教我们什么。

    If there 's one thing the history of evolution has taught us .

  11. 你以前有教小朋友英文的经验吗?

    Have you ever taught English to childs ?

  12. 在世界上,到处都有教人们如何调情的课程。

    All over the world , there are classes that teach people how to flirt .

  13. 她有教汉语的经验。

    She has experience in teaching Chinese .

  14. 其实师父在里面都有教我们,不是只有外面教而已。

    Actually , master has taught us everything already , but inside , not outside .

  15. 或许如果他父母有教过的话。

    Maybe if his parents had .

  16. 还有一点,恰好是在巴黎,有教科文组织的总部。

    I also want to add one point that is , Paris is home to headquarters of UNESCO .

  17. 第二,我有教强的沟通能力与团队协作精神。

    The second , I teach the strong communication ability and teams to help to make the spirit .

  18. 这个课程教授女人们怎么吸引男人真希望他们也有教男人怎么吸引女人的课程

    It shows women how to attract men , I wish they had one of those classes for guys you know

  19. 我在暑假有教小孩打球,教我儿子,但是那是闹着玩的。

    I was coaching little kids in the summer , coaching my son , but you do that for fun .

  20. 学科:小学老师都有教专门的科目,非常像美国的初中和高中(美国小学老师需要教所有科目)。

    Subjects : Elementary teachers specialize in a specific content area much like middle and high school teachers in the US .

  21. 有教必有学、有学必有考,因此,这部分主要是点对点式的提出,新的声乐考试评价标准要结合相应新的声乐教学展开。

    Part four discussed novel evaluation standards of vocal education , which was an essential part of vocal education in normal university .

  22. 几岁月前我来这里,幸福怎么有教我对习性,和现在,被变换的一切。

    A few years ago I came here , happiness has taught me how to habit , and now , everything much transformed .

  23. 语音合成产生的问题变得很清楚当你有教谁是国家制度的坚持滑雪运动。

    The problems TTS produce become very clear when you have to teach skiers who are stuck in the movements of the national systems .

  24. 自从他禁食的消息传出后,陆续有教内外人士,不分年龄,在不同时段,前往慈幼会修院声援他们敬佩的陈枢机。

    Hundreds of people of all ages have visited the Salesian House of Studies , in front of which Cardinal Zen has staged his fast .

  25. 在这关心方面,我有教我的律师到做每件事物可能的在法律里面保护所有的那无辜者在这情况的受害人。

    In this regard , I 've been instructing my lawyers to do everything possible within the law to protect all the innocent victims in this case .

  26. 现在我们能看见当我们住在非犹太人的最后时期,这是一封常常有教我们的书信。

    Now immediately we can see that this is an epistle which has a great deal to teach us as we live in the last times of the gentiles .

  27. 学校有教职工2545人,其中专任教师和科研人员13%人。专任教师和科研人员中,教授212人,副教授336人;具有硕士学位455人,博士学位137人;博士生一导师57人、硕士生导师328人;

    The University has 2 545 staff members , including 1 396 full-time teachers and researchers , among whom are 212 professors , 336 associate professors.Those with doctor degrees come up to 137 . and those with master degrees amount to 455 . There are 57 doctorate supervisors , 328 master supervisors .

  28. 你不能假定会说英语的人就有资格教英语。

    You cannot assume that a speaker of English is ipso facto qualified to teach English .

  29. 有人教我们如何向女王行屈膝礼。

    We were taught how to curtsy to the Queen

  30. 尽管他只是一个可怜的报童,还是有人教了他很多对的事情。

    Though he was just a poor newsboy , he had been taught some good things .