
  • 网络unionism;trade unionism;trade-unionism;craft unionism
  1. 就如历史学家埃里克•霍布斯鲍姆(EricHobsbawm)所说的,他们打破既定模式的行动相当于“通过暴乱形式进行的集体谈判”,相当于正式公会出现之前的“工会主义手法”。

    As the historian Eric Hobsbawm put it , their frame-breaking activity was " collective bargaining by riot " and " simply a technique of trade unionism " in the days before formal unions existed .

  2. 从工会主义日益增长的利他精神即可见一斑。

    We see it in the growing altruism of Trade Unionism .

  3. 罢工的权利是工会主义的基本原则。

    The right to withdraw labour is a basic principle of trade unionism .

  4. 黑人工会主义者联盟

    Coalition of Black Trade Unionists

  5. 萨科齐先生邀请工会主义者共进午餐,还邀请“受害者和英雄们”参加他的巴士底日聚会。

    Mr Sarkozy invited trade unionists to lunch and " victims and heroes " to his Bastille Day garden party .

  6. 大部分预测称这一趋势将持续下去,直至工会主义仅存在于博物馆和历史书中。

    Most forecasts predict that this trend will continue , perhaps until unionism is confined to museums and history books .

  7. 联邦政府让更冷酷更果断的前工会主义者代替了手段强硬的代理调停者高德弗里.哈金斯爵士。

    The federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist .

  8. 在新的历史条件下,新工会主义在一定程度上预示了世界教师组织的发展趋势。

    In the new context , " new unionism " indicates , to a certain degree , the development trend of teacher organizations .

  9. 教师专业化运动已经从工会主义转向了专业主义范式下的教师专业发展,但教师专业发展也并没有使教师的专业地位有明显的提高。

    Although the movement of teachers'professionalization has changed from trade-unionism to professionism , the teacher professional development hasn 't evidently raised the teachers'professional status .

  10. 在1933年以前(战争时期除外),工会主义遇到业主方面的有力的,有时甚至是狂暴的反对。

    It was not always so . Prior to 1933 , unionism faced strong and sometimes violent opposition from employers , except in wartime .

  11. 瑞士人指出,他们的机密法可回溯到1934年,那时,这些法律的制定部分是为了保护纳粹魔掌下的德国犹太人和工会主义者。

    The Swiss note that their secrecy laws date back to 1934 , when they were enacted partly to protect German Jews and trade unionists from the Nazis .

  12. 20年代的人事管理运动,科学管理运动以及不断增加的实际工资,为美国工人提供了另外一种选择,这种选择被宣传成能有效地取代工会主义。

    In the1920s , the personnel administration movement , scientific management and rising real wages combined to offer American workers what was advertised as an efficient alternative to unionism .

  13. 在太平洋两岸,都有许多势力乐于见到美中关系变得更具对抗性,包括中国的国家主义者、美国的工会主义者以及两国的军方。

    There are forces on both sides of the Pacific – Chinese nationalists , American trade unionists , the military establishments of both countries – that would be happy with a more adversarial relationship .

  14. 在零售和金融服务领域,政府面对着来自商界、工会和马克思主义政治派别的坚定反对,新的fdi政策不太可能宣布大幅开放这些敏感领域。

    The new FDI policy is unlikely to herald a dramatic opening up of sensitive sectors such as retailing and financial services , where the government faces entrenched opposition from business houses , unions and Marxist allies .

  15. 工会、产主义青年团,应当在各自的工作范围内,做好维护妇女权益的工作。

    The labor unions and the communist youth leagues shall , according to their respective working scope , strive for the protection of the rights and interests of women .

  16. 论美国学术专业的工会化&AAUP工会主义及其特征

    The Unionism of American Academic Profession & AAUP Unionism and Its Characteristics

  17. 论工会工作人本主义理念

    A Discussion of the Humanist Approach to Labor Union Work

  18. 改善职工的生存条件、强化职工的主体地位、挖掘职工的道德潜能和注重职工的全面发展则是架构工会工作人本主义管理体系的四个基本点。

    It is reflected in four basic aspects : improving the survival conditions of employees , emphasizing the central role of employees , tapping the moral potential of employees and paying attention to the all-round development of employees .