
  • 网络workers' educational association;wea
  1. 我30年代时在工人教育协会教过书。

    I taught in the Workers'Educational Association in the thirties .

  2. 国际工人教育协会联合会

    International Federation of Workers ' Educational Associations

  3. 这项研究由英国牛津大学的艾伦德·皮尔斯博士领导,由研究人员对参与者进行观察——这些参与者来自英国工人教育协会组织的成人教育班,年龄在18岁到83岁之间。

    For the study , led by Eiluned Pearce , Ph.D. , at Oxford University , researchers looked at participants , ages 18 to 83 , in adult education classes organized by the Workers ' Education Association in the UK .

  4. 维多利亚时代成千上万名工人加入了各种教育协会,以求上进。

    Thousands of Victorian workers joined educational associations in an attempt to better themselves .