
  • 网络Vico;Veken;Giambattista Vico;Veeco;VCALL
  1. 老维科先生,很显然在策划什么肮脏的图谋。

    Old man wickles , caught red-handed in your foul monster-making scheme .

  2. 事实上,维科在批判古典自然法虚幻的同时,认为法源于各民族的习俗,是各民族特有文化精神、民族意识和习性的产物,这奠定了维科作为历史主义法学奠基人的学术史地位。

    Criticizing the illusory of natural law of the classical era , he argued that the nature of law originating from customs and ways was the common conscience and spirit of culture of each race .

  3. 杰克回想起了在艾森豪威尔时代在德克萨斯州维科长大时的乐趣,他现在是一名建筑师,被贪婪的世界和他所要建造的摩天大楼所桎梏。

    The joys of growing up in Waco , Texas , during the Eisenhower era are remembered by Jack ( Sean Penn ), an architect trapped in a world of greed and glass skyscrapers that he probably helped to build .