
  • 网络Islam center;islamic center;The Islamic Centre
  1. 纽约州州长DavidPatterson表示,没有任何法律可以阻止伊斯兰中心的建立。

    New York Governor David Patterson says there are no laws that prevent the construction of the Islamic center .

  2. JihadTurk是南加州伊斯兰中心宗教事务负责人。

    Jihad Turk is director of religious affairs for the Islamic Center of Southern California .

  3. 她联系了几个朋友,斯坦福的BethShalom和弗雷德里克斯堡伊斯兰中心的MuniraMarlow。

    She contacted her friends , Rabbi Devorah Lynn of Beth Shalom Temple in Stafford , Virginia and Munira Marlow of the Fredericksburg Islamic Center .

  4. 匹尔斯堡伊斯兰中心的理事会成员阿德尔•奈夫齐(AdelNefzi)说:“(他)

    Adel Nefzi , the board member at the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce , said : " [ He was ]

  5. 牧师GayRahn度假结束驾车回家时听到收音机上正在针对在纽约市世贸中心附近建立伊斯兰中心的提议进行辩论。

    Virginia Christians , Jews , Muslims to Gather for Prayer on September 11 Reverend Gay Rahn was driving home from vacation recently when she heard a radio debate about a proposed Islamic center in New York City , near the site of the World Trade Center .

  6. 在斋月期,全国各地的媒体都对当地伊斯兰中心的活动有所报道。

    Media around the country have stories about activities at local Islamic centers during Ramadan .

  7. 大部分抗议者反对该计划,反对建造伊斯兰中心。

    Most of the protesters are opposed to the plan ; they 're opposed to the Islamic center .

  8. 另外两个创建者是加州犹太教学院和南加州伊斯兰中心。

    The other founders are the Academy for Jewish Religion , California , and the Islamic Center of Southern California .

  9. 许多美国人表示,他们反对在纽约世贸中心遗址附近建立伊斯兰中心的计划。

    A large number of Americans say they plans to build an Islamic center near the World Trade Center site in New York .

  10. 但是在辩论的另一方,他们支持建造伊斯兰中心,因为他们认为这是宗教自由的问题。

    But on the other side of the debate , those folks who support building the Islamic center argue that the issue is freedom of religion .

  11. 在纽约市,关于在归零点几个街区以外的地方建造含有清真寺的伊斯兰中心的计划形势越来越紧张。

    AZUZ : In New York City , things are tense over plans to build an Islamic center with a mosque a few blocks away from Ground Zero .

  12. 《劳伦斯日报》探访了位于美国中部堪萨斯州劳伦斯镇的伊斯兰中心,该中心的负责人称,平时每天都有200多人过来祷告,

    In the central United States , the director of the Islamic Center of Lawrence , Kansas , says as many as 200 people go to daily prayers during a normal month .

  13. 美国首都的穆斯林纷纷来到位于最高雅的地区,使馆区的伊斯兰中心。

    Muslims in America Celebrate End of Ramadan Muslims from around America 's capital poured into the Islamic Center of Washington in one of the most parts of the city , known as Embassy Row .

  14. 这并不是说英国首都的包容性值得吹嘘:就在我们的伦敦会议结束后不久,一个伊斯兰中心被烧毁,纵火者是为了报复一名士兵在伦敦街头被砍杀。

    This is not to oversell the UK capital 's tolerance : shortly after our conference there , an Islamic centre was burnt down in the wake of a soldier being hacked to death in the city 's streets .

  15. 伦敦成为伊斯兰融资中心。

    London is becoming a center of Islamic finance .

  16. 这项民意调查是在9月最后一个星期进行的。在此之前的几个星期,一个穆斯林团体在纽约世界贸易中心旧址附近建设一个伊斯兰文化中心和清真寺的计划引起了争议。

    The survey was conducted during the last week of September , following weeks of controversy over plans by a Muslim group to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque - called Park 51 - near the site of the World Trade Center .

  17. 廷巴克图是伊斯兰文化的中心,它有名的图书馆里有成千上万的重要的文件和手稿。

    AZUZ : Timbuktu was the center of Islamic culture , and its famous library was home to hundreds of thousands of important documents and manuscripts .