
  • 网络Iranian Air Force;RIAF;IIAF
  1. 媒体援引伊朗空军高级指挥官卡西里的话说,伊朗正在研究一个新的防空系统。

    Iranian Air Force commander Hesmatollah Kassiri was quoted as saying Iran is working on a new air-defense system .

  2. 不是任何的武器。他本人之前是军队飞行员,所以他想要最新最好的美国战机,这样伊朗空军才有可能主宰波斯湾,甚至到印度洋巡逻。

    And not just any weapons.Himself a former military pilot , the king wanted the latest and best U.S. - madewarplanes , with which the Iranian air force might dominate the Persian Gulf andeven patrol as far away as the Indian Ocean .

  3. 据伊朗半官方的法尔斯社报道,伊朗空军副司令昨天说,伊朗已制定好计划,一旦受到以色列攻击,伊朗将轰炸这个犹太人国家。

    The deputy commander of Iran 's air force said yesterday that plans have been drawn up to bomb Israel if the Jewish state attacks Iran , according to the semiofficial Fars news agency .