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  • Itraconazole
  1. 二性霉素B和伊曲康唑注射液在疗效上差异无显著性。

    Amphotericin B and parenteral solution of Itraconazole have no obvious difference .

  2. 两性霉素B脂质体及伊曲康唑治疗有效。

    Amphotericin B liposome and itraconazole are effective in treating penicilliosis marneffei .

  3. Etest法测定伊曲康唑对曲霉和酵母菌的体外抗菌活性

    In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of itraconazole against aspergillus and yeast by E-test method

  4. 伊曲康唑联合两性霉素B治疗重型病毒性肝炎合并胸膜曲霉菌感染1例

    Severe viral hepatitis complicated with pleural aspergillus infection treated with itraconazole and amphotericin B

  5. 目的:测定伊曲康唑、两性霉素B和氟康唑对曲霉和酵母菌的体外抗菌活性。

    Objective : To detect in vitro antimicrobial activities of itraconazole , amphotericin B and fluconazole against aspergillus and yeast .

  6. PCR法评价伊曲康唑注射液治疗播散性白念珠菌病兔模型疗效

    Evaluation on the therapeutic effect of itraconazole injection to rabbit disseminated candidiasis by PCR method

  7. 结论伊曲康唑与两性霉素B联合较任一药物单独用药体外抗新生隐球菌的活性高。

    Conclusion The combination of itraconazole and amphotericin B is significantly more active against C. neoformans in vitro than individual drug alone .

  8. 试验制剂伊曲康唑分散片相对生物利用度F为100.53%±9.58%,双单侧t-检验和(1-2α)置信区间分析显示,两制剂为生物等效制剂。

    The t-test and ( 1-2 α) confidence interval analysis show that two preparations were bioequivalent .

  9. 结论:伊曲康唑口服液可安全地应用于AL患者深部真菌感染预防治疗。

    Conclusions Itraconazole oral solution could be safely administrated in the prophylaxis of IFI in acute leukemia patients .

  10. 真菌对5-氟胞嘧啶、两性霉素B、氟康唑、伊曲康唑总的敏感率分别为93.0%、98.9%、90.8%、59.8%。

    The total sensitivity to 5-Fluorocytosine , Amphotericin-B , Fluconazol and Itraconazole were 93 % 、 98.9 % 、 90.8 % and 59.8 % respectively .

  11. 特比萘芬与伊曲康唑治疗甲真菌病疗效的Meta分析

    Terbinafine Versus Itraconazole for Treatment of Onychomycosis : A Meta-analysis

  12. 分离的菌株对5-氟脲嘧啶、两性霉素B和伊曲康唑的耐药性均<10%,而对氟康唑耐药率则较高。

    The separated fungi had a lower degree of resistance to 5-fluorocytosine , amphotericin B and itraconazole ( < 10 % ) and a higher resistance to fluconazole .

  13. RP-HPLC法测定自乳化释药系统中伊曲康唑的含量

    RP-HPLC determination of itraconazole in self-emulsifying drug delivery system

  14. 分别给予伊曲康唑、IFN-γ、伊曲康唑和IFN-γ联合治疗后,NK细胞活性均有不同程度的恢复(P值均<0.01)。

    The NK activity recovered in varying degrees after receiving the itraconazole , IFN - γ, combined itraconazole and IFN - γ therapy .

  15. 体外药敏试验显示对伊曲康唑、两性霉素B、制霉菌素高度敏感,酮康唑、克霉唑低度敏感,氟康唑耐药。

    The drug sensitive test in vitro indicated that itraconazole , amphotericin B and nystatin were highly sensitive , ketoconazole and clotrimazole were low sensitive , fluconazole was resistant .

  16. 目的:评价伊曲康唑口服液预防急性白血病(AL)深部真菌感染疗效及安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of itraconazole oral solution in preventing the invasive fugal infection ( IFI ) in patients with acute leukemia .

  17. 体外药敏分析显示:对各种念珠菌的总体敏感率大于90%的抗真菌药物有制霉菌素(94.4%)、伊曲康唑(93.8%)、两性霉素B(93.8%)、5-氟胞嘧啶(91.9)。

    The total percentage of susceptibility of Monilia to 5-fluorocytosine , amphotericin B , nystatin and itraconazole were 91.9 % , 93.8 % , 94.4 % and 93.8 % , respectively .

  18. 结果:检测出的念珠菌对特比萘芬耐药,对氟康唑、酮康唑、咪康唑、克霉唑中度敏感,对制霉菌素、伊曲康唑、两性霉素B、氟胞嘧啶高度敏感。

    Result : Candida species are resistant to terbinafine , medium susceptible to fluconazole 、 ketoconazole 、 miconazole and clotrimazole , high susceptible to nystatin 、 itraconazole 、 amphotericin B and flucytosine .

  19. 盐酸伊曲康唑分散片在Beagle犬体内的药动学研究

    Pharmacokinetics of itraconazole hydrochloride dispersible tablets in Beagle dogs

  20. 窄谱UVB联合小剂量伊曲康唑治疗马拉色菌毛囊炎疗效观察

    The Therapeutic Effect of NB-UVB with Low-Dose of Itraconazole on Malassezia Folliculitis

  21. 白色念珠菌对两性霉素B、氟康唑、氟胞嘧啶和伊曲康唑的敏感性分别为100%、94.6%、92.86%和57.1%。

    The rate of C. albicans susceptibility to amphotericin B , fluconazole , flucytosine ( 5-FC ) and itraconazole were 100 % , 94.6 % , 92.86 % and 57.1 % , respectively .

  22. 各真菌对5-氟胞嘧啶、两性霉素B、伏立康唑敏感性较高,分别为99.81%、100%、99.17%;对氟康唑、伊曲康唑敏感性较低,分别为94.87%,93.92%。

    The sensitivities of the fungi to 5-fluorocytosine 、 amphotericin B 、 voriconazole were high , respectively 99.81 % , 100 % , 99.17 % ; and to fluconazole 、 itraconazole were low , respectively 94.87 % , 93.92 % .

  23. 方法:固相萃取方法用于血清中伊曲康唑的浓缩和纯化,用HPLC测定伊曲康唑的血药浓度,并进行药代动力学计算。

    METHODS : Solid phase extraction ( SPE ) method was used to concentrate and purify the serum samples after itraconazole was given . Serum concentrations of itraconazole were determined by HPLC method .

  24. 评估伊曲康唑治疗ICU中危重患者侵袭性真菌感染(IFI)的疗效及安全性。

    To evaluate the efficacy and safety of itraconazloe in treating the invasive fugal infection ( IFI ) in ICU .

  25. 真菌对5-fu、伊曲康唑、氟康唑多数存在明显耐药,对两性霉素、制霉菌素绝大多数真菌都敏感。

    Fungi on the 5-fu , itraconazole , fluconazole and most obvious resistance to amphotericin , nystatin most fungi are sensitive . Conclusion : 1 .

  26. 结果HPβCD对药物具有较好的增溶作用,伊曲康唑注射液的pH值、渗透压、澄明度等性质均符合要求。

    Results Itraconazole is effectively solubilized by HP - β - CD . The physical properties of the itraconazole inclusion complexes injection , which included pH , clarity , osmotic pressure and viscosity were tested .

  27. 目的观察伊曲康唑序贯疗法治疗老年多脏器功能障碍综合征(MODS)患者侵袭性肺部真菌感染的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of intravenous itraconazole ( Sporanox ) in treatment of invasive fungal infected patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ( MODS ) .

  28. 结论盐酸伊曲康唑分散片的平均相对生物利用度为142.29%,较斯皮仁诺有明显提高(P<0.05),双单侧t检验的结果表明两制剂的lnAUC0-48和lnρmax均为生物不等效。

    CONCLUSION The mean relative bioavailability is 142.29 % . The AUC of the dispersible tablets are significantly higher than that of capsules ( P < 0.05 ) . The test and reference formulations are not bioequivalent .

  29. 剂量为前2天静滴伊曲康唑250mg/次,2次/d,以后为250mg/d共12d,总疗程14d。

    The dosage of intravenous itraconazole was 500mg / d for 2 days , and 250mg / d for the rest 12 days .

  30. 目的了解性病门诊中外阴阴道念珠菌病(VVC)患者分离的酵母菌,在体外对伊曲康唑(IT)、氟康唑(FL)的敏感性。

    Objective To understand the in vitro sensitivity on the pathogenic yeast to iraconazole ( IT ) and fluconazole ( FL ) in patients with VVC in STD clinics .