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  • 网络Annie;annie yi
  1. 以辛辣调侃他人及其文化而闻名的上海本土单口相声演员周立波是评委团成员之一。此外,评委还包括台湾歌影双栖明星伊能静以及台湾音乐人黄舒骏。

    Shanghai native stand-up comedian Zhou Libo , best known for his stinging jokes about other people and their cultures , was among the panel of judges , which also included Taiwan singer and actress Annie Yi as well as Taiwan musician Jerry Huang .

  2. 伊能静是中国著名的女艺人。

    Annie is famous Chinese artist .

  3. 庾澄庆否认婚变传言,称与伊能静未分居未离婚。

    Harlem Yu denies rumors about their marriage and said that he and Annie didn 't separate or divorce .

  4. 伊能静与演员黄维德的恋情被狗仔队曝光后,她结束了与庾澄庆(哈林)的9年婚姻。

    Yi ended a nine-year marriage with singer Harlem Yu in 2009 after paparazzi discovered her affair with actor Victor Huang .

  5. 在《中国达人秀》整个季中,那些催人泪下的瞬间,让见识到了伊能静的煽情功力。

    In the first season of China 's Got Talent , we 've encountered Yi 's ability to emotionalize people – the tear-jerking moments and all .

  6. “你的成功告诉我们,想要实现自己的梦想,就需要不懈地努力。”同是评委的台湾明星伊能静说道。

    " You tell us that to realize our dream , we need to spare no pains ," said Yi Nengjing , a show judge and Taiwanese pop star .

  7. 上周,伊能静发布最新专辑时强调:我没有发短信给哈林要求复合。面对谣言,伊能静表示,她确实发过短信,称自己错了希望他能原谅。

    Releasing her latest album this week , Yi said emphatically : " I did not send any text message to Yu to woo him back . " She was reacting to rumors that she had sent text messages saying she was wrong and asking for Yu ` s forgiveness .