
  • 网络Paramount leader;the Supreme Leader
  1. 教皇是罗马天主教的最高领袖。

    The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church .

  2. 来自加州的民主党参议员黛安.范斯坦(DianeFeinstein)表示,美国或许可以同伊朗的最高领袖哈梅内伊进行接触。

    Senator Dianne Feinstein , a California Democrat , suggested the United States engage with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei .

  3. 伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊(AyatollahKhamenei)介入长期以来对伊朗最大的大学的控制之争,为这所大学被政府接管铺平了道路。

    Iran 's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has intervened in a long-running battle for control of Iran 's biggest university , paving the way for it to be taken over by the government .

  4. 另一种奇怪的言论来自MohsenGharaati,文化运动中最高领袖的代表同时也是一位经常上电视的电视名人。

    Another bizarre comment comes from Mohsen Gharaati , a cleric who is the representative of the Supreme Leader at the Literacy Campaign and a frequent TV personality .

  5. 争斗的火花出现于两个月前,当时总统没有理睬最高领袖要求撤换情报部长海达尔穆斯利赫(heydarmoslehi)的命令。

    The spark for the fight came two months ago , when the president ignored an order from the supreme leader to sack the intelligence minister , Heydar moslehi .

  6. 而伊朗的重大决策仍然取决于最高领袖。

    major policy decisions in Iran rest with the supreme leader .

  7. 作为美国军队的最高领袖。

    As commander in chief of the United States military .

  8. 最高领袖是一个非常精明的经营者。

    The Supreme Leader is a very shrewd operator .

  9. 国家的领导者是信教的、有头衔的最高领袖。

    The head of state is a religious leader , titled the Supreme Leader .

  10. 海鸥的几个最高领袖就享有站在中央的荣誉。

    Stand to Center for Honor was the way the gulls'foremost leaders were marked .

  11. 能不能加速成为你们的最高领袖的过程?

    Is there any way to fast track the process of becoming your supreme leader ?

  12. 据报导,沙赫鲁迪同伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊私交甚好。

    Shahroudi is reportedly very close to Iran 's top leader , Ayatollah Ali Khamenai .

  13. 在当前情况下,得出结论说最高领袖增重了比较容易。

    In the current case , concluding that the Supreme Leader has put on weight is easier .

  14. 他在收到伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊的直接命令后作出该决定。

    He made his decision after receiving a direct order from the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei .

  15. 外界认为,内贾德这样做是为了让自己再次成为最高领袖眼中不可或缺的人物。

    Those stances are seen as an effort to make himself once again indispensable to the supreme leader .

  16. 目前尚不清楚塔利班最高领袖毛拉·海巴图拉·阿洪扎达将在政府中担任什么职务。

    It is not known what position in the government Taliban Supreme Leader Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada will take .

  17. 这是手机上应用上第一次展示最高领袖的完整的作品。

    It is the first time the top leader 's complete works have been made available on phones .

  18. 而且因为所有的不稳定,势必会出现这位可以利用一位好朋友的最高领袖。

    And with all the instability , it would appear that the Supreme Leader could use a good friend .

  19. 伊朗最高领袖警告说,如果美国对伊朗发动军事袭击,海湾地区的石油运输可能会被切断。

    Iran 's top leader is warning there may be a disruption in oil shipments from the Gulf if the U.

  20. 这些人表示伊朗由最高领袖哈梅内伊领导的的神职人员们试图传达一个消息。

    who say Iran 's clerics , led by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , were trying to send a message .

  21. 似乎你有段痛苦的记忆啊,问下卡特总统1979年伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊对他都做了什么!

    Ed , seems you have bad memory , ask Jimmy Carter what Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran did to him in1979 .

  22. 肯杨:这位最高领袖既有脸谱网账号也有推特账号,他采取了另一种更现代的方式。

    KENYON : Well , the supreme leader , who has both a Facebook and Twitter account , has taken another modern trend .

  23. 今天,伊朗最高领袖表示,伊朗没有研制核武器,但如果伊朗想那样做那伊朗便会进行研制。

    The supreme leader of Iran said today his country is not building nuclear weapons , but it could if it wanna to .

  24. 伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊举行仪式,向伊朗现任总统艾哈迈迪内贾德再度连任表示祝贺。

    Iran 's Supreme Leader , Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , formally gave his blessing to incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a second term on Monday .

  25. 在周日的一次特别会议上,乌克兰议会投票暂时将总统权力交给议会会长,会长是反对派的一位最高领袖。

    In a special session on Sunday , Ukraine 's parliament voted to temporarily give presidential powers to the speaker , a top opposition leader .

  26. 他们想要的是一个国家,一个由宗教最高领袖统治有权利利用伊斯兰法律控制任何人的国家。

    This would be a country , a state ruled by a supreme religious leader who enforces strict Islamic law on the people underneath this person .

  27. 这是对该国领袖作出的明目张胆的攻击,包括伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊,对伊朗来说,这是非常挑衅的声明。

    That is a not-so-veiled attack on the leadership of this country including the supreme leader Ali Khamenei , for Iran it 's a very defiant statement .

  28. 伊朗最高领袖再次抨击以色列,他在推特上发表言论时正值伊朗核谈进入到关键阶段。

    Iran 's supreme leader lashed out again at Israel , this time on his Twitter feed , just as the nuclear talks enter a critical phase .

  29. 伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊的一名代表在公开发表的讲话中说,与美国的紧张关系不会因为奥巴马总统上任而改变。

    In published remarks , a representative of Iran 's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said strained ties with the United States would not change under President Obama .

  30. 伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊称,美国知道自己指控伊朗试图发展核武器是错误的。

    The Supreme Leader of Iran , Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , says the United States knows it 's wrongly accusing his country of try to develop nuclear weapons .