- 名Last inning;final set;last stand

The Bryans never lost their serve during the match and went on to win the second set , 6-4 , before breaking the Russians twice and winning the final set , 6-2 .
He finally faltered in the last game of a heroic match
Tuesday 's final game was one of the closest : AlphaGo recovered from an early error to force Mr Lee into resignation in overtime , with each player having used up the allotted two hours .
I 'll play my trump card in the final round .
He just barely beat me in the very last game .
What defence did you use in that last game ?
I won five tricks in that last game .
He told me that the last round would be against the clock .
The score stood four to two with but one inning more to play .
They were thirty all in the last game when it started to rain .
He trailed in the last game love-30 , but he kept digging out .
It was a pity that she failed in the final round and was eliminated .
In the final frame she drew on her full range of skills to win .
The money will be donated to charity after the final game is held on Tuesday .
His face dissolved into tears , and the game 's greatest returner awaited one final serve .
Tom hit a home run in the last inning of the game when the chips were down .
In the last game , they also change ends when the first player or side scores ten points .
They won the deciding set 15-10 ( full score : 25-18 , 25-18 , 22-25 , 21-25 , 15-10 ) .
In the last game his self-confidence completely collapsed and was routed , he only made twenty moves and lost the battle .
I have to fight a hit-2:2 , and then the final one who wins and who loses , who can Lei into the quarter .
I still remember the sand-lot game I had to leave before the final inning so I could get on my Sunday suit and be at church in time for Confirmation .
In the decisive set , both China and Brazil showed their greatest eager to the victory but he unlimited energy from China young player took the control of the game .
Yankees manager Joe Torre used a spring training approach , taking out most of his starters by the late innings , and he brought in closer Mariano Rivera to pitch the seventh .
But then we get the moment we 're waiting for : a previously-benched hitter comes on for the final inning and as one , the crowd rises to its feet to hurl abuse .
Last frame once I knocked the long red in I felt good and thought I would do it , but I need to have that feeling earlier in the match and not wait until my back is up against the wall .
Sometimes a game can go right up to the last inning and the store will be nothing to nothing . The findings will be used as the basis for allocating some of the research portion of the institutional recurrent grant for the 2001-04 triennium .
Last , final , finito , If I lose , I never get to do this again
The meeting thinks that the last term of the hk-uk legislative bureau , the Municipal Bureau and the regional municipal bureau , and the district parliament will terminate on june30th , 1997 .
Finally , selecting six highly skilled talents of a Railway Bureau for example , used and verified the evaluation index system .