
gēn zi
  • root;source;origin
根子 [gēn zi]
  • [root;source;origin] 事物的本原,根源

根子[gēn zi]
  1. 打开XML文件,右击XML文件,选择“浏览页面资源”。出现的将是有显示彩色标记的根子目录的XML文档。

    Open the XML file , then right-click in XML file and select " View Page Source " . The XML document will then be displayed with color-coded root and child elements .

  2. 讨论了一个在边界上有剪力反馈控制的Euler-Bernoulli梁方程,证明了其广义本征函数生成的根子空间在能量Hilbert空间中是完备的。

    A differential operator arisen from an Euler-Bernoulli beam equation under boundary shear force feedback control is studied . It is shown that the root subspace of the system operator is complete in the energy Hilbert space .

  3. 证明了任意一个(A,B)不变子空间一定能分解成一些根子空间的直和。

    It is proved that the ( A , B ) invariant subspaces can be always decomposed into a direct-sum form of some radical subspaces .

  4. 百脉根子叶外植体被含发根性Ri质粒载体的发根农杆菌感染,孩载体带有一个npt-Ⅱ基因和一个甘露碱合成酶基因。

    Cotyledon explants of Lotus corniculatus ( Leo ) was infected with Agrobacterium rhizogenes containing Ri plasmid carring a kanamycin resistant gene npt-II and a mannopine synthase gene .

  5. 一篇官方新闻报道周日刊登时引用了工业信息技术部负责人LiYizhong说的这样一句话,“互联网安全需要从根子上治理。”

    A state news article published Sunday quoted Li Yizhong , head of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , as saying ," Internet security needs to be cured from its roots . "

  6. 500kV神忻石线成功地采用调整子导线张力的新方法,使6根子导线有规律出现高、低2层高度,从而有效地预防导线缠绕。

    A new method to regulate tensions in sub-conductors was successfully applied to 500 kV Sheng-Shi line . The 6 sub-conductors are at high and low levels regularly to prevent the conductor from twisting .

  7. 利用德摩根子代数概念以及紧性引进了德摩根拓扑代数的局部紧,研究了它与分离公理之间的关系,并给出了一个类似于Baire范畴定理的定理。

    On the basis of the De Morgan subalgebra and the compactness , the local compactness for a De Morgan algebra of topology is introduced and the relations between it and the separation axioms are investigated . A theorem similar to classic Baire Category theorem is established .

  8. 让三月里的干旱湿到根子里。

    That pierce March 's drought to the root and all .

  9. 对这位西方人来说,独立的根子扎得很深。

    For the westerner , the roots of independence run deep .

  10. 土地是农民的重要生产资料,是农民的命脉根子。

    Land is means of production of great importance for farmers .

  11. 从外面强加的教育目的的缺陷根子很深。

    The vice of externally imposed ends has deep roots .

  12. 这就是一切血腥历史的总根子。

    This is the root of all the bloody history of the total .

  13. 根子空间的几何理论与演化矩阵的实际计算

    Root Subspace Theory of Geometry as well as Practical Calculus for Transformation Matrix

  14. 边界剪力反馈下梁振动系统根子空间的完备性

    Completeness of the Root Subspace of a Beam Equation under the Boundary Feedback

  15. 我们应该从毛病的根子上开刀。

    We must attack the trouble at its roots .

  16. 他的信心既是危险的根子,也是力量的源泉。

    His confidence was as much a source of strength as of danger .

  17. 贫困农村的穷,现象在经济,实质在人才,根子在教育。

    Reasons of poverty in rural areas lie in their economy , talents and education .

  18. 线性空间的根子空间分解

    Root Subspace Decomposition of Linear Space

  19. 学校文化无论是对教育改革实践还是学校转型实践来说,都是一个根子上的问题。

    To education reform and school transitional change , school culture is a very important question .

  20. 我连说个“猴子等於命根子”的笑话都不可以吗?

    I 'm not allowed to make one joke in the " monkey is penis " genre ?

  21. 如果一棵树的根子烂了,光把它的枝条砍去是无济于事的。

    It is useless to cut off the branch of a tree if the roots are diseased .

  22. 它的根子虽然生长在文艺的园地里,它所吸取的却是艺术全部的养分啊!

    Drama is rooted in the soil of literature and arts , but it absorbs nourishment All arts .

  23. 其深刻根源仍然是社会和自然对人的异己力量的存在,具体包括:长期性的根子还在于贫困愚昧;宗教作为精神现象在社会发展中的滞后性;

    Its root still lies in the existence of dissident power from the society and nature towards human being .

  24. 所有作家都自负自私,也是懒惰的,在他们各种写作动机的根子里面,还存在一个谜团。

    All writers are vain , selfish , and lazy , and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery .

  25. 参加乐队后不久,萨拉又回到了她的戏剧根子,成为《猫》剧的第一批演员。

    A short while after joining Hot Gossip , Sarah returned to her theatrical roots , when she joined the original cast of Cats .

  26. 但愿一个人能颁布某种敦促和谐与理解的明智的法令,把这种无聊的嫉妒根子猛地一下连根拔出。

    If only one child issue some kind of sensible decree mandating harmony and understanding and pull this senseless jealousy out with one big jerk !

  27. 伊核问题的根子在于有关各方缺乏政治互信,未能破除过时的旧安全观。

    The root cause of the Iranian nuclear issue lies in a lack of political trust between the relevant parties and the outdated security concept .

  28. 综述可见,目前中国男篮是在“根子”上出现了问题,换什麽国字号主帅、选什麽球员入队都是“浮云”。

    To sum up , the problem is from the bottom , which means whoever the head coach and players , it is just the symptom .

  29. 她先前并没有意识到她刚才干了些什么;在她不自觉地搂着他的时候,她并没有想到他是男人还是女人,是根子还是石头。

    Had not considered what she had been doing ; whether he were man or woman , stick or stone , in her involuntary hold on him .

  30. 根子树间短连接的引入,不仅保证了资源搜索过程中的消息转发不依赖于根节点,而且也降低了平均搜索路径长度。

    The introduction of shortcuts between the subtrees of the root not only ensures forward message without relying on the root in the process of resources search , but also reduces the average length of the search path .