
  • 网络human language;human speech
  1. 根据Lakoff和Johnson等认知语言学家的观点,人类语言从根本上是隐喻性的。

    According to cognitive linguists , such as Lakoff and Johnson , human language is fundamentally metaphorical in nature .

  2. 名词化是“人类语言最普遍的特征之一,但是,我们对此的理解仍然是微乎其微”(Jacobs,1968)。

    " Nominalization is a universal characteristic of human language , however , we know only a little about this " ( Jacobs , 1968 ) .

  3. 语音学是将人类语言的声音进行描述与分类的语言科学(Johnson,1999:235)。

    Phonetics is the linguistic science which describes and classifies the sounds of human languages ( Johnson & Johnson , 1999:235 ) .

  4. 但不同的文化背景和社会习俗导致了人类语言的千差万别,汉语双声、迭韵与英语alliteration和assonance既有共性,又存在着跨文化差异。

    However , different cultural backgrounds and social customs give rise to the immense variety of human languages . There exist not only similarities but also differences between Chinese alliteration assonance and English alliteration assonance .

  5. 当然可以,我们有独立磁盘冗余阵列(RAID)扩展和NAND闪存的固态磁盘(SSD),但正如IBMAlmaden研究表明的那样,存取时间间隙的时间尺度差异在人类语言中是巨大的。

    Sure , we have redundant array of independent disks ( RAID ) scaling and NAND flash solid-state disks ( SSDs ), but as noted by IBM Almaden Research , the time scale differences of the access time gap are massive in human terms .

  6. 人类语言中存在共通的真值。

    There are some real values in human beings ' language .

  7. 翻译是人类语言共同特点的体现。

    Language translation can reflect the common characteristic of human expression .

  8. 同样,动物词汇在人类语言中也占据着重要地位。

    Also , animal terms play important role in human languages .

  9. 文学名著是人类语言和文明的宝库,对中学生具有重要的教育价值。

    Literature masterpiece is the treasury of human language and civilization .

  10. 数字是人类语言文化的一个特殊领域。

    Numbers constitute a special aspect in human language and culture .

  11. 名词是人类语言中的基本词类之一。

    Noun is one of the basic word classes in human languages .

  12. 分类是人类语言的基本特性之一。

    Classification is one of the basic characteristics of the human language .

  13. 使计算机懂得人类语言不是一个简单的问题。

    Getting computes to understand human language is not a trivial problem .

  14. 情态是人类语言中一个重要的语法范畴。

    Modality is an important grammatical category in human languages .

  15. 人类语言和记忆优势的颈内动脉异丙酚试验

    Intracarotid propofol test for speech and memory dominance in man

  16. 人类语言一般由口头或书面的词语构成。

    Hunan language consists of words that are usually spoken or written .

  17. 摘要委婉语是人类语言使用过程中的一种常见的语言现象。

    Euphemism is a common linguistic phenomenon in the use of language .

  18. 不同的人类语言,仅仅在那一座岛上

    different human languages , spoken on that island alone .

  19. 上帝摧毁巴别塔,混乱人类语言,从而使人类语言存在差异。

    The deconstructed Babel symbolizes the confusion and difference of human languages .

  20. 它的复制、传播为丰富人类语言提供了一条快捷、有效的途径。

    Its copying and spreading provide another way to fertilize human languages .

  21. 使役是人类语言中存在的一个普遍的语义范畴。

    " Causative " is a general semantic category in human language .

  22. 对人类语言相似性和差异性根源的认知思考

    Cognitive Reflection On the Roots of Human Beings Language Similarities and Differences

  23. 句法结构中的移位是人类语言中一种比较常见的现象。

    The movement operation is a pervasive phenomenon in languages .

  24. 谚语是人类语言普遍存在的一种语言单位。

    The proverb is ubiquitous in all human languages .

  25. 引述是人类语言使用的普遍现象。

    Reporting is a common phenomenon in human languages .

  26. 摘要听力理解在人类语言交际中发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Listening competence is very important in human communication .

  27. 人类语言也无法描述万物形成的那一刻。

    It 's impossible to describe the moment of creation in human language .

  28. 获取与该异常关联的人类语言。

    Gets the human language associated with the exception .

  29. 人类语言的甄别性特征是什么?

    What are the design features of human language ?

  30. 在将人类语言和外部现实世界相结合的过程中,指示起着非常重要的作用。

    Deixis plays an important role in relating language to the outside world .