
  • 网络HR inventory
  1. 人才流失危机管理对于解决目前民营企业人才流失难题、保持稳定高素质的人力资源存量是十分必要和重要的。

    Crisis management is very necessary to solve brain drain and keep human resources pool stable .

  2. 任何有效的在保持人力资源存量的情况下达到最大的企业收益被越来越多的学者所关注。

    Any effective in keeping human resources under the condition of the stock of enterprise income reached the maximum is more and more attention of scholars .

  3. 湖南省教育人力资源存量比较丰富,但人力资源的使用效率较低,人力资源损耗严重。

    We have quite and abundant supply of human resources in Hunan Province , yet , its application has proved rather inefficient and the wasting is quite serious .

  4. 目前,我国大部分人口存在于广袤农村地区,农村人力资源存量之大,质量之低,与城市之间存在的相对差距,举世瞩目。

    There exists large population in the vast rural areas in our country . The stock of human resources in rural areas is large and of low quality .

  5. 这些提示,湖南省卫生人力资源存量仍然不高,护士人员仍然相对不足,与医生的配置不合理,尚不能满足公众需求。

    These results suggested that there was a relative shortage of nurses in Hunan Province . The allocation of physicians and nurses was not reasonable and could not meet the public demand .

  6. 通过土地制度的创新、工业化、现代农业来释放农村人力资源存量,转移剩余劳动力,创建农村人力资源充分利用的空间。

    Through the innovation of land system , the industrialization , the modern agriculture to release the countryside human resources storage quantity , shift surplus-labor , found the full use space of the countryside human resources .

  7. 因此,我们应把人力资源的开发作为基本国策,充分利用好现有的人力资源存量,不断提高其素质,以解决我国在加入世界贸易组织后,经济社会发展中人力资源质量低下这一瓶颈。

    Therefore , we should regard the development of human resources as a basic state policy , make full use of existing human resources and constantly improve the quality of personnel so as to meet the requirements of the country 's foreign trade .