
  • 网络Organizational Values;organization value
  1. 员工与组织价值观匹配的结构维度及其相关研究

    The Study of the Structure and Related Factors of Employee and Organization Value Fit

  2. 面对这一情形,企业领导者有必要扮演塑造组织价值观的角色。

    Given this , a leader in an enterprise today has to play a new role as an organization value creator .

  3. 本研究旨在发现中国文化背景下,组织价值观的结构(COV)。

    This study was conducted to explore the construction of Chinese organizational value ( COV ) .

  4. 因此,本研究引入个人-组织价值观匹配度作为中介变量,来研究绩效薪酬、组织公民行为(OCB)和任务绩效之间的关系。

    Therefore , this research introduces the match degree of person-organization values as an intervening variable to study the relation among Performance-based Pay , Organizational Citizenship Behavior ( OCB ) and employees ' task performance .

  5. 个人-组织价值观匹配研究:绩效和社会责任的优势效应

    Individual-Organization Fit : the Dominant Effect of Performance and Social Responsibility

  6. 组织价值观及其适配度对员工敬业度的影响作用研究

    Impact on Employee Engagement of Organizational Values and P-O Value Fit

  7. 组织价值观的二分性对决策的影响

    The Influence of the Dichotomy of Organizational Values on Decision-making

  8. 传统文化影响下的组织价值观测量

    The Measurement of Organizational Value Impacted by Chinese Traditional Culture

  9. 财务组织价值观的核心理念是平衡,平衡理念也就是中庸之道。

    The core value of the finance organization is balance , or juste-milieu .

  10. 组织价值观是组织文化的核心,是组织文化中最基本最持久的思想层面。

    Organizational value is the core of organizational culture .

  11. 个人与组织价值观匹配在本研究中的定义是个体与组织各自持有的价值观之间存在的相似性。

    Value congruence refers to the similarity between values held by individuals and organizations .

  12. 员工价值观与组织价值观:契合衡量指标与契合模型

    Measuring Index and Models with Employee-Organization Value Fit

  13. 个人组织价值观匹配对组织承诺的影响&不同所有制企业的差异

    The Impact of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Commitment : A Comparative Research on Enterprises of Different Ownership

  14. 第三部分,构建行政组织价值观范畴体系。从政治、管理、法律、非正式制度的途径,构建我国行政组织价值观。

    And the final part was a construction of value system in administrative organizations of my own .

  15. 强大的文化,是说在那里的工作人员存在的刺激作出反应,因为他们的路线组织价值观。

    Strong culture is said to exist where staff respond to stimulus because of their alignment to organizational values .

  16. 个人-组织价值观匹配度会对忠诚度有较好的预测能力。

    The matching degree of individual-organizational values could give good predictions of the loyalty of staff members to the restaurants .

  17. 我国的组织价值观不同于其他国家,中国传统文化对组织价值观有十分重要的影响。

    The organizational values in our country are different from other countries . The Chinese traditional culture affects organizational values deeply .

  18. 第三,探讨个人与组织价值观匹配对个体层面的工作满意度、工作投入、组织支持感以及离职意向的影响。

    Third , the essays investigated the influence of the person-organization values fit on individual job satisfaction , job involvement , perceived organizational support and intention to quit .

  19. 但她坚持下来了,却发现那个环境妙极了,她的同学很了不起,即便在反驳他们的猜疑、被迫去维护非政府组织价值观的情况下也是如此。

    But she persevered , finding the environment nonetheless fantastic and her co-students marvellous , even when forced to defend the value of non-government organisations against their scepticism .

  20. 随后,把领导者价值观、组织价值观、成员价值观三者进行综合比较分析,弄清楚三者之间的相互关系,为价值观领导奠定理论基础。

    Afterwards , leader values , organize values , member values three go on comprehensive comparative analysis , understand the interreaction between the three , establish the theoretical foundation for the values leader .

  21. 借鉴国外相关的研究方法和思路,探讨国内生产型企业中个人与组织价值观匹配的结构、特点、效用和提升策略等。

    By using related methods and inspirations of foreign researchers for reference , this study works over the structure , characteristics , utility and advancing strategies of the person-organization values fit in domestic manufacture enterprises .

  22. 通过实证研究,本文得出以下结论:①酒店员工不同背景变量对个人-组织价值观匹配度和忠诚度有显著差异。

    Some findings arise from our empirical analysis : ① the background variables of the restaurant staff member of has significant influences on the matching degree of individual-organizational values and their loyalty to the restaurants .

  23. 今后的研究还应该在组织价值观问卷的完善、个人与组织价值观匹配计算指标的选择、采用多种研究方法开展研究等方面继续努力。

    Therefore , the future researches should make efforts on making the Organizational Values Scale more perfect , making the counting index for the person-organization values fit more precise , and adopting more methods to carry out the project .

  24. 在有关此问题的理论研究中,个人-组织价值观匹配作为员工离职倾向的重要前因变量一直是研究的重点,而组织承诺在其中发挥的中介作用也为学术界广泛关注。

    In many of the researches , personal values matching organizational values-one of the most important variables that influences the turnover intention , has always been the focus , while the medium effect of organizational commitment draws great attention from academic field as well .

  25. 文章通过对个体价值观与个体行为发展,个体价值观与组织价值观,组织价值观与组织发展三方面的系统分析,以论证价值观对于个人和组织发展的终极标准作用。

    Through system analysis to three aspect of individual values and individual behavior development , individual values and organization values , the organization values and the organization development , and this article trys to prove the ultimate standard function of values to individual and organization development .

  26. David考虑衡量组织的价值观与敏捷宣言定义的价值观的结合程度,但发现这个用处不大。

    David considers measuring the degree to which an organization 's values align with those in the Agile Manifesto , but finds this not very useful .

  27. 民营企业组织文化价值观的维度

    The Dimensions of Organizational Culture of Private Enterprises

  28. 我的高层领导向我们传导我们组织的价值观。

    My senior ( top ) leaders use our organization 's values to guide us .

  29. 一般性的工作&家庭平衡策略又由组织的价值观等五个正式的组织支持策略和领导人的风格等两个非正式的组织支持策略组成。

    General work / family balance tactics consist of formal organizational supports and informal organizational supports .

  30. 他指出,各经济体依赖于监管制度和公共标准,还依赖于法律法规、民间社会组织和价值观。

    He noted economies rely not only on regulations and common standards , but also on the rule of law , civil society and other values .