
  1. 苏州农村专业合作组织考察与分析

    The Inspection and Analysis on Agricultural Specialized Cooperatives in Suzhou

  2. 代表处组织考察组对项目方进行实地考察;

    The delegating office organizes a group to carry out on-the-spot investigations to the item side .

  3. 我们也组织考察团赴欧洲、美洲、中东各国进行商务考察活动。

    We also invite Chinese fields'delegations to countries in Europe , America and Middle-east on business trips .

  4. 干部档案是各级党政组织考察、了解和正确选拔使用干部的重要依据。

    The cadre archives is very important to review , understand and appoint cadres for all levels of party and government organizations .

  5. 组织考察,作为识人用人的基本手段之一,是选拔任用地方党政领导干部不可或缺的重要环节,对于建设高素质的干部队伍至关重要。

    Organization investigation , as a man employing , is one of the basic means for selection and appointment of leading cadres of local party indispensable important link to the construction of cadres with high quality is very important .

  6. 材料与方法:选用10具18侧经红色乳胶液动脉灌注的尸体标本,直视下解剖标本,显露臀下动脉(IGA)及其周围组织,考察其走行情况;

    Method : 18 specimen were perfused with red latex to show inferior gluteal artery and the tissue around them ;

  7. 将很快派出伊拉克卫生部/世卫组织联合考察团。

    A joint Ministry of Health / WHO mission will be deployed shortly .

  8. 产业组织理论考察的是处于同一商品市场的企业之间的市场关系。

    Industrial organization theory reviews the market relationship between enterprises in same commodity market .

  9. 摘要1994年联合国教科文组织经过考察后将武当山古建筑群列为世界文化遗产名录。

    The ancient architecture of Wudang Mount was titled as one of the world heritages listed by UNESCO in1994 .

  10. 本论文主要通过对上海合作组织的考察,此进行了例证。上海合作组织建立与发展的历程清楚地显示,其源于地缘政治但又远远超越了地缘政治。

    The establishment and development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization clearly shows that its establishment and development originates from geopolitics but there is something far more than that .

  11. 第一节现代文化对日常生活的组织,考察日常生活中技术理性对日常消费活动、日常交往活动以及日常观念活动的侵袭。

    The first section studies daily life constructed by modern culture , it examines the invasion in daily consumption activity , daily activities and daily concepts activity caused by technical rationality .

  12. 托斯卡纳经济促进局组织经济考察,研讨会以及和国外经济和机构代表团的会面,以发展托斯卡纳企业感兴趣的市场地区的贸易机会。

    Toscana Promozione organizes economic missions , workshops and meetings with economic and institutional delegations from abroad , in order to develop business opportunities in market areas of particular interest for Tuscan businesses .

  13. 当时的国民托管组织实地考察后宣布,墙壁渗水太过严重,已经无法修复。更不幸的是画廊里那些价值连城的作品因为雨水侵蚀,损毁严重,直接导致了画廊主人破产。

    The picture gallery suffered water staining , while the walls themselves began to crack under the constant drip of rain . According to the National Trust , the flawed roof was so difficult to maintain that it directly contributed to the bankruptcy of its owner .

  14. 论文利用SCP范式对北京市林木种苗产业组织进行了考察分析。

    SCP model is applied to seedling industrial organization analysis in Beijing .

  15. 采用热模拟实验研究了钒微合金化低碳锰钢(0.1%C-1.0%Mn)奥氏体化后在860~740℃范围内进行多道次变形过程中的组织演变,考察了变形和微合金元素V对铁素体相变的影响。

    Using a Gleeble 1500 thermal simulator , the microstructural evolution and the effects of deformation and vanadium microalloying on the ferrite transformation of V-microalloyed mild steel ( 0.1 % C-1.0 % Mn ) during multi-pass deformation in a temperature range of 860 ~ 740 ℃ were examined .

  16. 根据近临界钼当量和多元强化原则设计了一种新型亚稳β钛合金(Ti-B20),以室温拉伸性能和显微组织为主要考察内容研究了固溶处理对这种新合金时效响应的影响。

    A new high strength metastable beta titanium alloy ( Ti-B20 ) was designed according as the principle of ' near critical molybdenum equivalent and multicomponent strengthening ' . The effect of solution treatment on aging response of the new alloy including room temperature tensile properties and microstructures were investigated .

  17. 本文对建筑市场组织演变的考察,具体内容有市场结构的变化,以及因此变化而带来的市场行为和市场效果的变化。

    The focus is on the evolvement of construction industry and market organization .

  18. 论文通过对大学组织的研究考察,发现准正式组织是一种大学中普遍存在的组织形态。

    Through the research on university organizations , the thesis expounds that the quasi-formal organization is a prevalent organizational form in universities .

  19. 然而,并不是所有的信息技术、设备都可以列入企业智力或组织智力的考察范围之中。

    However , not all the information technology , equipment can be included in the study of organizational intelligence and business intelligence .

  20. 对这种繁杂的组织结构的考察内容包括组织状况、主要官员、管理模式和基本成员;

    Analyze to their extremely numerous and diverse organizational structures including organization 's conditions , main officers , patterns of management and basic members .

  21. 通过对大学组织的整体考察与内部组织分析,以组织理论术语概括了大学组织的一般特征,指出大学组织具有异质结构的特征。

    By observing and studying university organizations comprehensively and analyzing the internal organs , it summarizes the general features of university organizations with terminologies of organization theories .

  22. 中国电力科学研究院组织了专家考察组赴四川省进行了实地调研。

    For this reason , an expert group of China Electric Power Research Institute ( CEPRI ) is organized and went to Sichuan province for field investigation .

  23. 中国内外贸一体化的实践、目标与政策建议(上)&对流通组织形式的考察

    The Practice , Objectives , and Policy Options of the Integration of Domestic and Foreign Trade in China : from the Perspective of the Forms of Distributional Organizations

  24. 本文以河南唐河县为中心,对1953-1957年间粮食统购统销政策在农村地区得以推行的组织系统加以考察。

    Focused on Tanghe county , the author reviewed the organizations by which the Policy for Grain Unified Purchase and Sale was carried out in the rural areas in1953-1957 .

  25. 作者通过对国外一些律师事务所组织形式的考察评介,联系我国其他中介专业机构的组织形式,认为立法应该为执业律师提供更多的选择。

    The author studies and reviews the organization form of foreign law office and refers to the form of other professional and intermediary organization , and holds that the legislation should provide the lawyer with more choice .

  26. 本文从经济学的新发展中提出了这个观点,并从对日本札幌市建筑行业和我国温州市打火机行业组织形式的考察中验证了这个结论。

    The paper puts forth this viewpoint in line with the new development of economics , and verifies the conclusion by studying the building industry in Sapporo , Japan and the cigarette lighter industry in Wenzhou , China .

  27. 强化理论培训与增加经验交流。开展临床路径变异管理的专题培训会明确变异的内涵与类型,召开经验交流会,组织实地参观考察,借鉴同行在变异管理上的经验。

    To carry out the thematic training of variance management to clear the content and type ofvariance , holding the exchange of experience , organizing site tours , learning experience from counterparts in the variance management . 3 .

  28. 论文对Y初中组织变革的考察主要包括四个方面:组织结构与制度的变革,教育思想与理念的变革,教师与管理队伍的变革,学校课程与教学的变革。

    Investigation on the organization reform of Shanghai Y junior middle school includes the following four areas : reform of the organization structure and institution , reform of the educational thoughts and philosophy , reform of the team of teachers and administrators , reform of the school curriculum and teaching .

  29. 在每次pisa调查中,经合组织都会侧重考察不同的知识领域。

    For each Pisa survey , the OECD concentrates on a different area of knowledge .

  30. 由NPD团体组织的这项考察发明应用称为“点对点”(P2P)技术下载的音乐在十月份有所回升,并且这个势头连续到了十一月份。

    The survey by the NPD Group showed music downloading using so-called peer-to-peer ( P2P ) services showed an increase in October and remained up in November .