
  • 网络Tissue culture methods
  1. 以大豆品种晋豆8号为材料,采用组织培养方法研究了Ca(NO3)2对盐胁迫下大豆离体胚再生植株有机物质积累、膜脂过氧化和保护酶系统的影响。

    The effect of Ca ( NO3 ) 2 on membrane lipid peroxidation and enzyme system for membrane protection in soybean regenerated plantlets from embryoes in vitro was studied by means of tissure culture .

  2. 近年来,日本使用离子束辐射联合组织培养方法培育出了花色发生变异的玫瑰(Yamaguchietal.2003)以及花型花色发生变异的康乃馨新品种(Okamura,etal.2003)。

    Recently , Japanese researchers have used this new effective mutation breeding technique combining tissue culture techniques with ion beam irradiation to obtain specific flower colors in rose ( Yamaguchi et al . 2003 ) and carnation ( Okamura et al . 2003 ) .

  3. 采用组织培养方法对美国黑莓主要栽培品种进行培养。

    Main cultivation varieties of American Blackberry were cultivated by micro-reproduction .

  4. 用组织培养方法快速繁殖植物材料文献述评

    Review of literature on fast reproduction plant material by means of histological culture

  5. 用组织培养方法鉴别植物的抗病性

    Expression of Plant Disease Resistance in Tissue Culture

  6. 金背大红花瓣的组织培养方法

    The Method of Tissue Culture of Chrysanthemum Petal

  7. 核电站经济性分析用组织培养方法繁殖十种植物的试验

    Economic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants

  8. 从地黄种茎育出的无菌幼苗上切取下的茎尖,用组织培养方法可诱导成去病毒幼苗。

    The stem tip from germ-free stem segment of Rehmannia glutinosa cultured in test tube can be induced into virus-free seedling .

  9. 目的探讨新生大鼠上丘脑组织培养方法,并对其在培养过程中的变化进行观察。

    Objective To study the tissue culture technique for superior colliculus explanted from newborn rats and to observe the growth status dynamically .

  10. 以晋豆八号作材料,利用组织培养方法研究盐胁迫下外源脯氨酸对大豆离体胚再生植株的膜脂过氧化水平、保护酶系统、可溶性蛋白质及线粒体超微结构的影响。

    The salt resistance effect of exogenous proline in soybean regenerated plantlets from embryos in vitro were studied by means of tissue culture .

  11. 因此,利用组织培养方法快速扩大繁殖杂交松种苗具有重要的意义。

    So , it is of great value to propagate rapidly seedlings of Pinus elliottii × Pinus caribaea by the means of tissue culture .

  12. 结论:这种组织培养方法有助于整个椎间盘代谢的维持,人类完整椎间盘体外组织培养是可行的。

    Conclusions . This culture system should prove useful for studying the metabolism of whole intervertebral discs and the culture of human intervertebral discs is feasible .

  13. 节日组委会向全国各地的温室提供了通过组织培养方法繁育的种子,以增加“金日成花”(Kimilsungia)的种植,这种杂交兰花以金日成的名字命名。

    The festival organizing committee supplied tissue culture-bred seedlings to greenhouses around the country to boost the growing of Kimilsungia , a hybrid orchid named after Kim Il Sung .

  14. 从胆道疾患病人采集的胆汁标本,用组织培养方法进行病毒分离。

    Bile specimens , which collected from 55 patients with biliary tract diseases , fever of unknown origin , were subjected to virus isolation by means of cell culture method .

  15. 为加快蔓越橘种苗繁殖速度,利用植物组织培养方法,研究了蔓越橘茎段离体快速繁殖和叶片再生的影响因子。

    In order to speed up the propagation of cranberry cultivars , the factors which influence rapid propagation and regeneration from shoots and leaves in vitro were studied by tissue culture .

  16. 本文以子叶、下胚轴为实验材料,对荷兰彩椒的组织培养方法进行深入细致的实验研究。

    Using cotyledons and hypocotyls as experimental materials , the methods of tissue culture of Dutch color pepper were studied deeply and the technique of issue culture and rapid propagation were obtained successfully .

  17. 本文综述了利用组织培养方法合成药物的优点和主要药物,探讨了植物组织生产药物的研究进展和前景。

    In this review , advantages of plant tissue cultures biosynthesis medicines and main medicines which had been reported were collected , and study advances and prospects in the production of medicines by plant tissue cultures were discussed .

  18. 以30年生东方杉的当年生顶芽、侧芽和茎段作为外植体,采用组织培养方法对不定芽的分化、增殖及伸长进行了研究。

    The current terminal buds , lateral buds and stems of 30-year-old Taxodium mucronatum × Cryptomeria fortunei were used as explants , and through tissue culture the differentiation , multiplication and elongation of the adventitions buds were studied .

  19. 结论筛选出了适宜的肉苁蓉愈伤组织培养方法,且培养物中主要药用有效成分松果菊苷和洋丁香苷(毛蕊花糖苷)的量达到并超过了《中国药典》要求(0.3%)的标准。

    Conclusion The optimized culture method of callus of C. deserticola is obtained and the content of the primary medical constituent in callus has beed up to or even over the standard ( 0.3 % ) in Pharmacopoeia of China .

  20. 另外由于血清成分并不明确,考虑到改进细胞和组织培养方法的要求,很多无血清细胞培养基陆续开发成功,成为替代胎牛血清的一个比较科学的方法。

    In addition , because of serum being an ill-defined component and in terms of an improvement of cell and tissue culture methodology , many serum-free cell culture medium were developed successfully and were well accepted as an alternative to the use of FBS in cell and tissue culture .

  21. 白细胞粘附抑制流(LAI)试验&一种组织培养小瓶方法介绍

    Leucocyte adherence inhibition ( lai ) test & introducing a tissue culture flask method

  22. 以模式植物拟南芥为材料,采用组织培养的方法,以幼苗根的向地性弯曲生长为突变指标,对拟南芥抗La突变体筛选条件进行了研究。

    In this experiment , it was studied that the isolation condition of lanthanum-resistance Arabidopsis mutants using the method of tissue culture with seeding root-bending growth being isolation target .

  23. 通过倒置显微镜观察、HE染色、丫啶橙染色等手段研究PDLC的体外生长形态特征。为建立小鼠睾丸组织短期培养方法,对成年小鼠睾丸组织进行培养。

    PDLC cultures were established by means of tissue explants method . Using the method of tissue culture mouse testes were cultured .

  24. 为建立小鼠睾丸组织短期培养方法,对成年小鼠睾丸组织进行培养。

    Using the method of tissue culture mouse testes were cultured .

  25. 多花黑麦草种子外植体组织培养灭菌方法研究

    Study on the Sterilization Methods in Tissue Culture of Italian Ryegrass Seed Explant

  26. 人早孕绒毛膜与蜕膜组织体外培养方法的研究

    The study on the method of culture of human chorionic and decidual tissue in vitro

  27. 目的介绍一种直接、简便并且成功率高的肺组织细胞培养方法。

    Objective To introduce one easy and direct method to cultivate the lung tissue cells .

  28. 本试验应用组织培养的方法拟提高它的繁殖系数。

    The purpose of this experiment is to increase its propagation rate using tissue culture technique .

  29. 用组织培养的方法,对唐菖蒲茎尖,茎段进行培养,并研究外植体及生长调节剂对器官形成的影响。结果表明,以茎段作为外植体,愈伤组织分化率可达50%&767%;

    The effect on organogenesis formation , using stem section or stem tip and regulator treatments were studied in gladiola culture .

  30. 结论:利用微孔膜进行器官型脊髓片培养是一种简便有效的神经组织体外培养方法。

    Conclusion : This organotypic culture of the spinal cord from mice is simple and effective method for cultured model in vitro .