
  1. PCR快速克隆猴免疫缺陷病毒核心蛋白基因

    Rapid cloning of SIV core protein gene with polymerase Chian reaction

  2. 2007年,舒赫拉特领导的研究小组宣布他们创造了首个克隆猴胚胎并从中提取了干细胞。

    In 2007 , a research team led by Mitalipov announced they created the first cloned monkey embryo and extracted stem cells from it .

  3. 但密歇根州立大学(MichiganStateUniversity)克隆专家奇贝利(JoseCibelli)说,上述最新实验所描述的种种改进表明,研究人员创造出一只克隆猴只是时间问题。奇贝利没有参与这项实验。

    But the refinements described in the latest experiment suggest that ' it 's a matter of time before they produce a cloned monkey , ' said Jose Cibelli , a cloning expert at Michigan State University , who wasn 't involved in the study .